I purchased Metripack 630 and 480 series male terminals through Amazon. The Amazon Seller is Crimp Supply Inc ("CSI") of Clawson MI. First link is to CSI's Amazon page and is set forth below. Free shipping was provided with my Amazon Prime membership. Minimum quantities were ten ("10") terminals for the 630 series and twenty ("20") terminals for the 480 series. The CSI order cost me about $22 (before sales tax) for both sets of terminals. Terminals should arrive at the middle or end of the coming week.
Link1: https://www.amazon.com/sp?_encoding...otocol=current&seller=A6AY1HFZHO49U&sshmPath=
Link2 (link to CSI storefront for 630 male sterminals): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F7S5FRW/?tag=gbody-20
Link1: https://www.amazon.com/sp?_encoding...otocol=current&seller=A6AY1HFZHO49U&sshmPath=
Link2 (link to CSI storefront for 630 male sterminals): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F7S5FRW/?tag=gbody-20