Having worked for one of the major carriers..........ALL packages go to hubs..........sorting hubs............the hubs are located
at strategic points throughout the USA...............Memphis, Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, Indianapolis, etc...
Packages are loaded destined to the hubs then sorted, and then sent back to the corresponding closest locations.
This is done in containerized freight.
No carrier can nor will look at your specific package and decide which way is best to send it. It is all done by zip codes
and computerized barcodes.
Individuality for your package does not exist, Logic does not play into the system.....it is done on a programmed calculated basis
by each company now. So be happy if it's there on time and if it's not, file a claim for shipping reimbursement. Complaining will
not change company policy and procedures. Trying to figure it out will just cause you more confusion. It's the way things are.