Got a couple of small things done on the Regal. Somehow, a couple of my plug wires ended up on the header and melted through, so I replaced them with some Accel Super Stocks. I also added a seat belt guide to my seats so my neck wouldn't get rubbed raw by my seat belt. To end the evening (Friday evening), I took it to the track and made 3 passes. After adding the cam, Vortec heads, and intake, I ended up with the same ET as last fall (sad face), but I was up 3 mph at the end of the track. I had A LOT of wheel spin on the right tire, so I guess the next step is a posi. I really didn't expect to light the right tire up in 2nd gear as much as it did. Better start my new rearend fund!
383Camino and I at the track, ready to go.
And this one is added just because it's one of my favorite Buick pics.