Harley- the most efficient way of turning gasoline into noise without the annoying byproduct of horsepower.
It's not a problem with Vtwins. RC51 has a proper vtwin, Suzuki SV1000 is pretty good too. It's a problem with underpowered, overpriced agricultural equipment.
Closed minded.....right.
Well for starters why would you want to offended anyone? Second your stereotyping! Third how many cops, Arm Force, Navy, Marines and other Civial Servants ride V-Twins? It's become a Blue Collar thing!
I guess it's closed minded people that get and enjoy them little jokes!
It's not a problem with Vtwins. RC51 has a proper vtwin, Suzuki SV1000 is pretty good too. It's a problem with underpowered, overpriced agricultural equipment.
Closed minded.....right.