I see them "on" the site all the time, if the "current users" sidebar widget is correct.
This is partly my fault, I haven't been actively engaging them to try and push discount codes, specials, etc. Getting ready to send that e-mail for the '22 calendar, maybe we can put some discount codes in it, etc. I need to improve in that regard. Not a "schmoozer" so its out of my wheelhouse so to speak. But, I sell them the platform, its up to them to use it to full effect or not.
What you CAN do, is to make sure you mention the site when you do order from them "I saw you on GBF" etc. That way they KNOW they're getting some reach on here. Say hi, tag them in posts, ask questions, (but see below) etc.
It would also help immensely if people would stop dogpiling on sponsors with negative comments every time they post something. That's why GBP is no longer a sponsor here. I can't speak to their customer service, practices, etc. but they got tired of getting dragged through the mud all the time. Deserving or not, I can't say, but that's why they left. It wasn't worth the time to them to do "damage control" or PR here and I'm not hired to do that for them.. so..... but I do see it happen with other sponsors, too. Take your beef to them directly and try and get it sorted with them before just complaining publicly in unrelated topics. I can see how it would make them "gun shy" of posting anything at all.
Forums aren't going anywhere, and eventually everything old is new again, FB will commit seppuku in some way, it'll get more and more saturated with garbage and you'll see a return.
Any sponsors want to comment? If nothing else I'm interested in your take.
(also let's not turn this into a covid-related "nobody want to work" thread, please. This has been going on much longer than that.)