Been BUSY! But, a lot is happenning around the shop. The T-Bird is finally gone! I told the owner that he really ought to get that thing into this century with a disc brake conversion. Well, he bit. But, it didn't stop there. We went all new fuel and brake lines, KYB gas shocks, new fuel tank, new exhaust, new fuel pump, new dual master and proportionong valve, all fluids, pertronix ignition, 12 volt gauges, new speedo umbrella, starter, sway bars, and all new bushings. Man what a difference! That car is the sh*t now! Quiet, it's a rare one, with the Three Spd manual w/ OD. We rebuilt the carb, burnished the new disc pads and it stops hard. Customer is delighted, which I am glad to report. Here's a few of the car-
One Stinkin' spoiled Shitzu
The Cobra found it's way on the rack and we started tackling that one. Hacked all the old suspension out, fabbed up a crossmember out of 2X2" heavy wall. Grabbed some QA-1s, relocated the fuel filter, left the pump where it was, relocated the suspension stops, threw the old Street Avenger vacuum secondary carb out in the scrap bin, tossed the ford dizzy along with the coil. Installed a new MSD, new HVC II coil, replaced the plugs, stuffed in a 6AL, Bolted a new Holley Ultra HP series, mechanical secondary 750. So now, that car has adjustable ride height, adjustable dampening rate, secondaries on demand, adjustable timing and rev control. In short, it will be a BLAST to drive. The Customer just got back in the country, so we hope to have it on the dyno and delivered by next week. Here's a few pics of this one-
The original spring set up
Fabricating a crossmember
Test fit on the member
Checking out shock angles and mount locations
Installed, but the filter location is hideous
Moved that, fabbed up some brackets, hung it off the crossmember. Looks far better and just makes sense
The brackets are just tigged up Tee extrusion and plate
and last, but not least, Darin got his new dry sump stuff in for the green boat. we're starting to huntdown all those 8 second vee drive boats! Nothing like beating those guys with a ditch pump!!

One Stinkin' spoiled Shitzu

The Cobra found it's way on the rack and we started tackling that one. Hacked all the old suspension out, fabbed up a crossmember out of 2X2" heavy wall. Grabbed some QA-1s, relocated the fuel filter, left the pump where it was, relocated the suspension stops, threw the old Street Avenger vacuum secondary carb out in the scrap bin, tossed the ford dizzy along with the coil. Installed a new MSD, new HVC II coil, replaced the plugs, stuffed in a 6AL, Bolted a new Holley Ultra HP series, mechanical secondary 750. So now, that car has adjustable ride height, adjustable dampening rate, secondaries on demand, adjustable timing and rev control. In short, it will be a BLAST to drive. The Customer just got back in the country, so we hope to have it on the dyno and delivered by next week. Here's a few pics of this one-
The original spring set up

Fabricating a crossmember

Test fit on the member

Checking out shock angles and mount locations

Installed, but the filter location is hideous

Moved that, fabbed up some brackets, hung it off the crossmember. Looks far better and just makes sense

The brackets are just tigged up Tee extrusion and plate

and last, but not least, Darin got his new dry sump stuff in for the green boat. we're starting to huntdown all those 8 second vee drive boats! Nothing like beating those guys with a ditch pump!!