fuel pumps

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Master Mechanic
Jan 22, 2006
did the g body's come with electric AND manual fuel pumps? i have a 87 regal with a 305 in it and it wont start. its not getting fuel to the carb. i went to partsource and picked up a pump...and it was the wrong one, the pump i got had a inlet and an outlet. the pump on the car has a inlet, outlet and what looks like a return to the tank. i went back and got what looks like the right pump, was listed under a 87 camaro listing, has the inlet/outlet/return lines on it and it said it had to be used with a electric pump as well. so... what gives??? im gonna put it on anyways today (in the rain no less) but i'd like to know if theres a in-tank electric pump as well. anyone know?

The only G bodies that should have an electric fuel pump are the factory FI cars (4.3 TBI, GNs, etc.). I've never seen a carbureted G body that had anything other than a mechanical fuel pump only. Maybe other members can add some input on this.
Mechanical only on carbed engines. Fuel pumps are one of those parts that none of the usual parts stores seem to get right. I had problems getting the proper replacement (w/ return line) for my 84 SS when I changed it as well. The parts jockeys will insist that you are asking for the wrong pump, but they are indeed the ones who are wrong. Bring the old one and compare closey - the lines and their size have many variations across the GM line - I ended up with one they listed for a truck.
yep, just got finished putting on the mechanical pump and that fixed the problem. the one that ended up working was the one they had listed for f-body cars. car runs much better now, i was having bogging problems as well before the car crapped out and thats gone. biggest thing to deal with today was the rain outside... im soaked to the bone.

thanks guys
Be easy on us "parts jockeys". Where u gonna get parts if no one is there to sell them? Even mail order uses parts people (customer assistance). We all don't make mistakes like that. I was able to look up a fuel pump for my 85 Monte SS and it was right the 1st time.

BUT, I know what u guys mean, I have a employee that doesn't know squat about cars/trucks. I just don't want u thinking we are all bad.
The situation I am referring to above is more the systems at some places - the computers can and do have the wrong part listed. The problem then lies in that the parts guy takes the computers listing as bible and won't listen to the person who has the part in their hand and knows for certain that the computer is wrong.

No offence intended for qualified parts guys - I am talking about the 16 year old kids at non-specialized stores who don't know the difference between a thermostat and a brake drum - and even then its not their fault, they aren't trained and need not be qualified. They are told ask these questions and then find part number on the shelf. I am lucky enough to have two good places near me with qualified personel, a large local shop and NAPA. I no longer shop at Canadian Tire - if they change their policy to allow customer look up, then I may consider going back. :lol: They used to have qualified personel, but fired them in favour of minimum wage (lack of) help.

I realize that sometimes even qualified places can make mistakes too - NAPA gave me an incorrect waterpump - one of the bolt flanges was 1/2" thicker or so - I didn't even notice until I was trying to put that accesory bracket back on, the last thing I did! Turned out it was boxed wrong at the store. Partly my fault too as I obviously didn't compare them close enough before installing it.

Believe me, we all appreciate the guys who know their stuff - its so relieving. For example - our local GM dealer has two guys and one girl at their parts desk. If one of the guys are there, I may as well walk out - the answer withing two seconds every time is "its not listed, sorry". The older lady though, she can find anything.
I have to go along with 85_SS here. Good, qualified, and experienced parts personnel are worth their weight in gold, and they can sometimes be hard to find. Having someone like that to count on can make the whole repair process ALOT easier. On the other hand, dealing with a parts person who is inexperienced can be very frustrating. My hat is off to good parts people.
Hey, no offense was taken. Just giving you a hard time. I've seen the "parts jockeys". It's kind of amusing at times, though, u have to admit. Just because there best friend has a Honda with a Turbo or they read a magazine article somewhere it makes them an expert. No, u r right. Whatever happened to the days where a DIY could ask a question and get a good answer from the parts help. I think it's gone mostly. If the computer don't say it, then forget it.
well i have a holley electric fuel pump and right now im having probs getting my elky started. i can pour fuel in the carb and it starts right up, but when i give it gas it boggs out and dies. i thought i ran outa go-juice so i put in 4 gals. and it still doesnt do anything. so to test weather its the gas tank or the fuel pump im going to take the hose off the tank and put it in a full gas can and start it. if that doesnt work it means that the fuel pump is bad. or there both bad. i tested the lines from the pump to the carb and their clear. i also tested the lines from the pump to the tank and they seem clear. i might have just blown the obstruction in the tank out of the way . but ill find out by this thursday when i start wrenching on it. wish me luck or just tell me what ya think i can do instead. many thanx - the beermonkey
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