Has E-bay lost it's way?

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
I was thinking about this the other day. You used to be able to find almost anything on E-bay, but lately that is not the case. It seems that many of the sellers have decided to stop selling on the site, and have left it pretty empty. Did they do something to kill a good thing? From what I have heard, they now charge too much to sell and too much to use Paypal.
i bought a 442 key fob from a seller on ebay last friday. i heard pay pal has some 21 day something on it, like they hold your payment or something, what is going on? i wonder if my stuff is in the mail yet? 🙁
I sell stuff on eBay from time to time. The randomly bill me even if I haven't sold anything in months. They're pretty gay. Also they nickle and dime the sh*t out of you if your selling a car. Craigslist is so much easier. People are probably catching on and are taking their business elsewhere.
Used to be you would do a simple search like 86 monte and get pages all inclusive every part . . Now get 2 -3 and 90% from same vendor (gas tanks LOL) . But do a detailed search get more . Thier search engine sucks . I find more poking around looking for different parts . I know its there like the cutlass aluminum hood I'm looking at . I know the guy has it listed but unless type the number in it comes up on no search .

There r still allot of vendors I deal with on eBay but they may only auction once month .

Craiges sucks they need a car-parts.com type search engine . Search multiple ares for parts . And 90 % do not want to ship even small stuff.
i dont go on ebay very often anymore and i think it wont be long and craigslist will be just as bad if not worse
I believe Ebay is slowly sizzling out. what irritates me is the gas tank thing, the same vendor posting 1376 ads for gas tanks i get sick of flipping through the pages and eventually just give up.
eBay is gay as AIDS, I stopped selling there a long time ago and when I did sell it was a few things... PayPal can suck my *******, their fees are rediculous lik ePays...
They charge too much so the average joe doesn't make any money or loses money selling stuff. I don't mind paying a consignment fee but its out of control now, and you still pay just to list which is a scam to begin with. I still watch for deals on there but its harder to find them now with a million people trying to run a business on there, if I want to buy something new ebays not usually where Im looking anyway. I guess its just not what it used to be kinda sad ive gotten a lot of deals on parts I wouldn't of found near me over the years on ebay.
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