Sorry phone is messing up. Anyway. Lights on at the pump for 7 minutes max. It came with a blue top battery. When I went to leave and start my truck nothing at all. All the lights and buzzers come on but it won't start. It won't even try to engage the starter. The next day I recharged old battery and installed it. Still the same, installed another battery that I knew was good and still the same results. I hooked up each battery seperate and with a 1000 jump started. Still the same but I got out moved by jumping the silonoid on the starter. A bolt fell out so it's a bit outta whack but that doesn't explain why it won't even engauge at all. The starter and alternator are new. The starter is. About 2 weeks old. Belts are tight and checked wires coming from starter and they too are tight. How I got her run right was I had to time her using the distributor but that went great and now she runs better than ever when she's running. Can someone tell me how to diagnose the cause of this problem. Just let me know what all I should look at. Thank you.