I was a drivability tech for many years and owned 3 shops. I had scopes and was a Delco Tech approved shop. While there were some issues with pick up coils on GM vehicles with a vacuum advance where the wire would break i think it was in no comparison to the issues the other manufacturers(percentage wise) were having with modules, pick ups, hall effect switches and ECM's. There were a bunch of very cheap replacement aftermarket caps, modules and rotors on the market at that time. Add to that a lack of training on old school techs. We were also transitioning from points and people were driving cars well over 100k miles without a tune up which caused undue stress on the ignition system. I saw a lot of coil failures with the remote coil due to the same factors above and I think they went to the remote coil as the streamlining of vehicle hoods for less wind resistance for better economy , space and the transition of better electronics turning the coil off/on due to better timing control. I had access to Jacobs ignition products as well as many other aftermarket stuff. We put on automotive scopes as well as lab scopes. I still think the best ignition ever made is the GM HEI coil in cap. I have seen them run over 200k without a tune up many many times. That being said...put good parts on your rides, if it skips...fix it.