Help at wits end

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Going to use this info and try this week it supposed to warm to the 40's here in Mi. Any other idea's?
My friend actually does the work for me ang he said the choke is disconnected. I tried what you guys said on the holding to the floor and that helped. He wants to time it to make sure its not a timing issue. Now the probably stupid ? where is the bolt to loosen the HEI?
sonseeker said:
My friend actually does the work for me ang he said the choke is disconnected. I tried what you guys said on the holding to the floor and that helped. He wants to time it to make sure its not a timing issue. Now the probably stupid ? where is the bolt to loosen the HEI?
The bolt is next to the distributor hold down...not a dumb question, the only dumb qustion is the question not asked.....If I missed it or not, you have a temp gauge and if so is it working good? Sounds like a timing issue to me, but you might be running hot as well...
Thanks,their is more things in the way on this engine that Carter has little liver pills (showing my age aren't I). If that don't work going to try the carb spacer then if that doesn't cure it maybe a Chevy 350,don't want to mess up a beautiful car though.
sonseeker said:
If that don't work going to try the carb spacer then if that doesn't cure it maybe a Chevy 350,don't want to mess up a beautiful car though.

That was a ( bad ) joke right? Putting in a Chubby engine in a Hurst Olds is about as lame as it gets but to do so over a tuning issue is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Like the Chevy engine will somehow magically run great with the same broken/incorrectly tuned parts. C'mon man, you gotta be smarter than that.
Don't want to do it and prolly won't but I have spent countless time and several hundred dollars trying too chase this thing.
DoubleV said:
sonseeker said:
If that don't work going to try the carb spacer then if that doesn't cure it maybe a Chevy 350,don't want to mess up a beautiful car though.

That was a ( bad ) joke right? Putting in a Chubby engine in a Hurst Olds is about as lame as it gets but to do so over a tuning issue is about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Like the Chevy engine will somehow magically run great with the same broken/incorrectly tuned parts. C'mon man, you gotta be smarter than that.
nice..why is it a bad joke its his fawkin does it matter if you approve..funny attitude on here at times considering its about enjoying our cars..this isnt a restoration forum
for the sake of argument if he bought a running mill out of another car with carb and ignition stuff why wouldnt it work
now to the subject as a few others have stated and i have experienced sounds like the fuel is boiling off..sorry i do not have more technical knowledge for you as i,ve been try to learn all this stuff myself..ifirst thing in the morning and the comment rubbed me the wrong way..all my buddies are car guys and hotrod/musclecar car snobs in my group, its about keeping these cars going and having fun cruising them, when people on the street see our cars and give the thumbs up they dont care if you have the correct putting a 383 in my regal..i know i
sonseeker said:
Don't want to do it and prolly won't but I have spent countless time and several hundred dollars trying too chase this thing.

You're not understanding. Your problem has nothing to do with your engine itself. It's a problem with parts bolted to your engine. If you don't know how to repair and tune things correctly, you will have the same problems with any other engine. You need to learn to fix/tune things properly. A GM service manual is invaluable here.

Did you ever check to see if your carb was leaking fuel into the intake? If not, why? It's a very likely culprit. Is your carb tuned? What's the dwell? Did you try different gas? Some may work better than others in a carbed engine. Is your temp good? Running too hot could exasperate the problem of fuel boiling out the carb. Do you know your timing? This can be checked in less than 5 minutes.

Vonclod; My strong opnion is Chevy engines don't belong in Hurst Olds ever. Deal with it.
What type of carb u got on it?
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