If you have a computer carb, it is wise to replace it with a non computer variant if you do not runt the computer. I run the Quadrajet off of a 1979 350 powered Chevy van in mine which I modified for the full 800 cfm instead of the 600 cfm they have unmodified ( 5 minutes with a Dremel to cut down a stop on the secondary air valve). Use the later Quadrajet (75 and later I think...) which is a bolt on replacement for your carb but without the computer fittings. Try to get one off a Chevy 350 or maybe a 1980 Cadillac 368 and avoid ones from larger displacement engines. The idle feed restrictions will be too big and it will run rich at idle and part throttle. Also avoid ones with the straight in fuel fitting instead of the Chevy/Cadillac 90 degree inlet style. By all means though, avoid ones with electrical plugs on them ( choke excepted) as they will run bad without their computer attached! The later carbs have the ability to run the electric choke by simply swapping the coil. They also keep all of the same vacuum and throttle cable/TV cable hook ups as well. Quadrajets are by far the best street carb for a mild small block Chevy. They have great fuel economy and part throttle responsiveness, plus they keep their tune better than a Holley does. Stay away from Holleys if at all possible and learn how to make a Quadrajet run right and you will be much happier in the long run.
Also, if you have not done so already, get rid of the computer HEI distributor and replace it with a non computer one. I would get one from MSD as they make the best aftermarket HEI in my opinion. By the time you replace everything in a junkyard HEI with what they give you in their new one, you really aren't saving anything and your 30+ year old advance mechanism is likely shot and not going to hold a proper advance curve anyways. I have that problem with my 1978 HEI and will likely replace it with one from MSD in the near future. To see if you have a Computer or Non-computer HEI, check to be sure it has a vacuum advance can on the side of the distributor, on the passenger's side of the engine I think. If so, you have the right distributor. If not, and you have a 4 wire plug on it, you have the computer one and it will run like crap until you change to the right one.
BTW, if you live anywhere near where I live ( Tampa area of Florida) I would be willing to look at your car for free to help you get it sorted out. I'd just ask that you came to my house for me to do it. There are likely a lot of little things wrong and I could sort them faster in person than on the net.