History scares the hell out of me

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I never said that everyone making under $250k is poor. Please do not twist my words. My point was demonstrating an absurdity by using logic. I do not feel that the poor should be entitled to anything under law, other than basic human rights. Basic human rights should not include good or services they do not pay for. They should be forced to pay back 100% of the cost of all assistance they receive from the public coffers somehow, be it through hard labor or cash when times get better. As for mandatory health insurance helping the poor, remember too that the people on the margins who are forced to buy this insurance for themselves and their families will be negatively impacted by the financial burden of paying for it. Even if their employer pays for it, the end recipient will still see 100% of the cost by way of reduced wages and hours, and higher cost of goods. After all, no employer eats the cost of doing business, they pass it on to the end consumer. That is how you stay in business.

I do not have insurance, and make under $25k a year. The cost of the insurance should be roughly $2400 a year, or 10% of my gross income. What will I have to sacrifice to pay for this government mandated coverage? It likely will push me over the edge I sit on right now and may force me into foreclosure. As it sits, I drive a 343k mile vehicle that is required for me to work. I have no cable, my cell phone was cut off a year ago ( I have one now by my parents adding me to their plan), and my internet is via whatever wi-fi I can find. I was finally doing OK though, and getting my life back in order. I was even going to be able to buy a cheap new car in a few months. However, an additional $200 expense per month changes everything for me, and takes away what little cushion I have. I am certainly not the only one in this position either. How many more people will be forced over the edge by this new law?
I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I understand, re: insurance. I pay about 2600 dollars a year for my mediocre coverage. Better coverage would have been 4200 with lower copays and deductibles. Still, weeky the insurance payment hurts.
You need to understand that there are legitimate criticisms of this President and his policies. They have nothing to do with race, the birthers, his religion, etc. Leave those arguments for the kooks that all reasonable people, left and right like to laugh at. This health care bill has a lot of problems. Plus, the take over of the student loan system, and giving all of the loans generated to one bank in Tennessee that just so happened to be a big supporter of Obama in the 2008 election. Did you know that the government now has the right to tell you what career path you can and cannot get a loan for? It's all in the bill.
I did not vote for this president, nor am I a supporter in most aspects. I just am not opposed to government healthcare. I am not saying this bill is correct or even remotely close to effective.
patmckinneyracing said:
Were bullying the Afghan government?

You need to reread what i said... I never said 'WE' as in the US were bulling the Afghan and Pakistan governments... I said that AlQueida and the Taliban were...

Once again its all in the details...

patmckinneyracing said:
Yes the main terrorist cells are in Pakistan, we have yet to get there because we have not gained permission to enter the country.

You really need to take another look, we've had boots on the ground in both countries since the begining of the Afghan war.. If you don't believe me, then feel free to quote your source.

patmckinneyracing said:
Iraq basically did attack us on 9/11 because they were the main sponsors of the terrorist cells that attacked us. To say that Iraqi government had nothing to do with it is completely farce.

The Bushco administration's own 9/11 commisson report said that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11... This is documented fact.

You are free to believe as you wish, but, in this case, The facts are against you.
Iraq may have had nothing to do with 9/11, but Hussein was suspected of harboring or "housing" suspected Al Qaeda members and supplying them with resources. Also the possibility of WMD's which no they were not recovered, but guess what was? Unsurmountable evidence of a genocide that took place under Hussein's dictatorship and the Iraqi people. They found warehouses filled with skeletons of people who were murdered. So I see something positive out of Iraq.

I stand corrected on soldiers not being in Pakistan. Last time I had a chance to check, our military was trying to g00ain entry into the country. The only soldiers I knew of in Pakistan at that time were my buddies in spec forces. Those were the first and only ones in Pakistan at the beginning of the Afghan war.

85cutlassbrougham, plz don't get me started on the student loans. Yeah unfortunately why that was attached to the healthcare bill, we'll never know. Just more socialism allowing the government to further control our lives. There are also talks of there being massive interest rates on any school loans as a way to help pay for healthcare costs. That's why I'm transferring from Texas A&M to Texas State next year as costs there drop from 22,000 a year in-state to 10,000 in-state and is less likely to have massive hikes in tuition and costs compared to larger universities like A&M and UT, even though I am a die hard Aggie.

It's gotten to the point with states being so bankrupt that I was issued a 250$ ticket for not having a fishing license. I was just sitting on the shoreline with my gf, wanting to do something on a saturday instead of being like all other college students (getting drunk and partying) when a game warden came driving up in a boat. I misunderstood and thought the lake to be private since I paid 10$ to get into it, therefore it should be considered private. But even still, I can't even fish without getting a ticket worth more than any of my speeding tickets. The worst part is the Warden had just got done chasing after three guys who she told to stay put on the shore cause they had beer and were fishing. She told me, as she was writing my ticket, that she could not write them a ticket cause they were over 21 and had fishing licenses. Yet I get a ticket for being a good person and not halling *ss like the three guys did. Gee maybe I should have just ran lol.
patmckinneyracing said:
Iraq may have had nothing to do with 9/11, but Hussein was suspected of harboring or "housing" suspected Al Qaeda members and supplying them with resources. Also the possibility of WMD's which no they were not recovered, but guess what was? Unsurmountable evidence of a genocide that took place under Hussein's dictatorship and the Iraqi people. They found warehouses filled with skeletons of people who were murdered. So I see something positive out of Iraq.

Nothing bothers me more than people who participated in no way, defending the Iraq war. Your father being in desert storm 1 doesn't count. There were about 190 total Coalition deaths in Desert Storm. There have been over 4400 US troops killed in OIF. If your so in favor why haven't you joined?

Fact of the matter is the Bush administration was looking for any excuse to invade Iraq as soon as the first plane hit the Trade Center. They manipulated intelligence, put pressure on the C.I.A. to find evidence linking Iraq (which they couldn't because there was none), and forced out anyone who disagreed with them. This war cost us trillions, and worst resulted in over 4400 US deaths and counting, many of them my friends.

By focusing all our attention on Iraq we let Afghanistan slip out of control, a war that was virtually won. Afghanistan, unlike Iraq is important for many different reasons. Perhaps the biggest being Afghan stability is essential for Pakistan stability, Pakistan a country with nuclear weapons.

I understand your from Texas and that alters your view of Bush, he seems like a nice guy personally. The sad fact is that he is considered to be the worst president in the history of the US. That's debatable, but its considered fact by many experts, but only time will tell for sure. Bush racked up the national debt more than any president before him and we have absolutely nothing to show for it. His administration slowly shredded the constitution. He embarrassed our country.

I understand why some people are conservative, the stance on taxes and so fourth. That being said most people's criticism of BA is absolutely absurd. He's done a fantastic job cleaning up the disaster left for him up to this point. I don't agree with everything he does, but look at what we would have been stuck with. Palin QUIT in Alaska right on the verge of numerous scandals, and it doesn't even look like McCain will win the nomination in Arizona. Most of you conservatives can't handle that "your team" lost. Your criticisms are often irrational and hypocritical. You'd honestly be happy to see our country face disaster so your party could be vindicated.

Pat, it would seem you know as much about politics as you do about picking paint jobs for your cars. I suggest you watch more than Fox news, otherwise you will never know whats going on. If you weren't on the younger side I would get on you a lot more about running your mouth about the wars with no service record. Having friends or family that have DOES"NT excuse service. You can b*tch about taxes and health care to, but you don't even work so you don't pay taxes. Judging from some of your earlier posts I'd say racism plays a large part in your opinion of BA. You'll be getting another 4 years of him so make your piece with it.
Ok ummm my father participated in both Iraq wars. I am currently in Air Force ROTC, was Navy contract in Navy ROTC but won't get into that BS, working towards becoming an officer. Sorry I'm not all "macho" to join the marines and be on the front lines like most others who join because they're either in trouble or looking for a way out. I'm speaking generally but this does not apply to all military personnel. I'm working towards flight school, that way I can make stupid money and have fun while doing it. I get VA benefits because my father is 100% disabled, that way I don't have to work to go to school. Yes I have worked, I have paid my taxes, and I just turned 19 so I couldn't join the military cause if I had the choice, I would have started my military training by the time I was 13.

Going the ROTC or academy route in becoming an officer in the military is really the best way. I've trained with Navy Seals at Spec Boat Team 22, been aboard 5 carrier, 3 cruisers, and one sub. I was born and raised military and I will be entering the military with a gold bar on my collar. I respect the living hell out of the "old sea dogs" as they are the tradition that makes our military great.

So what is your military profile then? That is if you have spent any time in the military.

As far as Bush, yes personality wise he is a really nice person. It has already been proven that he is a complete dumbass, and I believe his cabinet along with outside influences forced him into some of the decisions he made.

I am not racist in any way. I have black, hispanic, and asian friends along with a puerto rican gf. Trust me, I'm far from racist. Just don't like the stupid people that come from every race.

It is clear that you are liberal and most of your liberal friends will be booted out of office this coming election as this country is tired of complete liberal control in both Congress and the Executive branch. This thread has long been left to collect dust, but because your thread got locked up, you decide to go elsewhere on this forum to try and smear my good name. As far as I'm concerned, your trash talking through a computer gives you the image of person who is a virgin, lacking of intelligence, and has way to much time on your hands. Why don't you follow and old Navy saying and "Shove off".

For those who cannot read the english language, the "title" for this "post" is in reference to our past and present history, not attacking others profiles and personalities cause all you have is computer balls and nothing else in your life. If you are not able to have an intellectual conversation on American history, then find your place elsewhere.
I think its great that you plan to serve in the Air Force, I mean that sincerely. You may think your taking some superior route because your doing ROTC and are going to become an officer, but let me tell you something. Contrary to what you may think, most Marines and Soldiers who take front line jobs don't do it because "they're either in trouble or looking for a way out". They do it because they take pride in the fact that there doing the most difficult task in protecting our Country. A task many others like yourself are incapable of doing and we can walk with our chins higher because of it. Many of the brightest recruits choose the Infantry over other fields for those reasons. Don't make a broad statement like that just because you don't posses the character to make sacrifices. Your chosen military field will keep you out of danger, you will never step foot in a combat zone. Your deployments (if you ever do) will be less than 4 months at a time. You won't ever even get your hands dirty, good officers were enlisted first.

Less than 10% of officers fly, and based on your intelligence level I'd say you'd be lucky to fly cargo planes. Comparing BA policies with Depression era policies is RETARDED. I also love how you rag on people collecting benefits like well fare when you your self receive VA benefits that you yourself IN NO WAY EARNED. How is that any different then someone collecting unemployment? I'm actually not liberal, I'm very middle of the road. I hate when people are to extreme in either direction, because the often are hypocrites, like yourself.

Because I know you lie frequently in your posts, I don't believe you about ever hanging out with any seals or what ever else you said. I'll tell you this about my military profile, I served 6 years in the most front line occupation there is. I spent a year in Korea and with out going home I went straight to Iraq, I was in the most dangerous area, during the deadliest time. I was gone for over 20 months before I got to come home and that was only for 10 days. Presently my former Brigade has suffered more combat casualties than any other unit, army or marine. At 6 years I re-enlisted and changed my MOS to the most difficult to become qualified for and I'm presently in the process of becoming qualified. All that time overseas helped me pay for my baller fleet of Buicks, and my SF contract paid for the GN.

I might have left a retarded thread like this alone, but because you trolled my thread than got it shut down after you tattled I figured I should weigh in with my 2 cents. Blake442 warned you might be getting in over your head and he was right. After 2 days of getting owned you tattled like a 5yo. No one's smearing your good name, you do that plenty on your own. There's no sense back peddling. Everyone saw your racist comments and can go back and view them again. Ever noticed how everyone seems to gang up on you or take my side? exception of a few. Because your arrogant, and typically act like a douche. Make what ever assertions about my character you want, I'm awesome and everyone knows it. I keep F'ing with you because you provoked. This arrogant and utterly ignorant post made it impossible to post. I won't even argue politics with you, there's no point. Your entitled to what ever opinion you want, just know if you start making retarded assertions your going to get called on it. If you post on my threads, I'm going to continue to publicly humiliate you. You can let it go now, or keep coming back for more either way is fine with me
SquirrelMaster28 said:
I think its great that you plan to serve in the Air Force, I mean that sincerely. You may think your taking some superior route because your doing ROTC and are going to become an officer, but let me tell you something. Contrary to what you may think, most Marines and Soldiers who take front line jobs don't do it because "they're either in trouble or looking for a way out". They do it because they take pride in the fact that there doing the most difficult task in protecting our Country. A task many others like yourself are incapable of doing and we can walk with our chins higher because of it. Many of the brightest recruits choose the Infantry over other fields for those reasons. Don't make a broad statement like that just because you don't posses the character to make sacrifices. Your chosen military field will keep you out of danger, you will never step foot in a combat zone. Your deployments (if you ever do) will be less than 4 months at a time. You won't ever even get your hands dirty, good officers were enlisted first.

Less than 10% of officers fly, and based on your intelligence level I'd say you'd be lucky to fly cargo planes. Comparing BA policies with Depression era policies is RETARDED. I also love how you rag on people collecting benefits like well fare when you your self receive VA benefits that you yourself IN NO WAY EARNED. How is that any different then someone collecting unemployment? I'm actually not liberal, I'm very middle of the road. I hate when people are to extreme in either direction, because the often are hypocrites, like yourself.

Because I know you lie frequently in your posts, I don't believe you about ever hanging out with any seals or what ever else you said. I'll tell you this about my military profile, I served 6 years in the most front line occupation there is. I spent a year in Korea and with out going home I went straight to Iraq, I was in the most dangerous area, during the deadliest time. I was gone for over 20 months before I got to come home and that was only for 10 days. Presently my former Brigade has suffered more combat casualties than any other unit, army or marine. At 6 years I re-enlisted and changed my MOS to the most difficult to become qualified for and I'm presently in the process of becoming qualified. All that time overseas helped me pay for my baller fleet of Buicks, and my SF contract paid for the GN.

I might have left a retarded thread like this alone, but because you trolled my thread than got it shut down after you tattled I figured I should weigh in with my 2 cents. Blake442 warned you might be getting in over your head and he was right. After 2 days of getting owned you tattled like a 5yo. No one's smearing your good name, you do that plenty on your own. There's no sense back peddling. Everyone saw your racist comments and can go back and view them again. Ever noticed how everyone seems to gang up on you or take my side? exception of a few. Because your arrogant, and typically act like a douche. Make what ever assertions about my character you want, I'm awesome and everyone knows it. I keep F'ing with you because you provoked. This arrogant and utterly ignorant post made it impossible to post. I won't even argue politics with you, there's no point. Your entitled to what ever opinion you want, just know if you start making retarded assertions your going to get called on it. If you post on my threads, I'm going to continue to publicly humiliate you. You can let it go now, or keep coming back for more either way is fine with me

:notworthy: :owned:
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