holley throttle shaft


Master Mechanic
Dec 10, 2014
i got my holley 4160 on the bench it;s got .010 of wobble in the secondary shaft the bore seams tight i stuck the end of a 3/8 bit in there it;s tight ...the shaft measures .360 even where it could;t have worn out what is the dia specs on the shaft ? is this just the teflon bushings gone bad ? thanks for you input
It might not be all that bad if the car will idle low enough after adjusting idle mix screws .other wise kits used to have bushings in them caint remember what and when .. when you say warped I'm wondering if you mean 1 butterfly is closing ahead of the other one noticeably gues you mean the crank that connects to the vacuume actuator arm if somethings binding dew to shaft alignment you either straighten it or maybe get anouther part a picture is helpful
thanks for your reply i see the confusion i said worn not warped the butterflys open and close at the same time ..i have a wobble of .010 in the secondary shaft .i put a 3/8 drill bit end in the bore it feels tight and the shaft measures .360 of an inch diameter even where there could not be any wear i have read the factory cut them a little smaller then 3/8 of an inch is this normal or doe;s this need new bushings or is the shaft worn out . thanks for your input
I was thinking along the same line but didn't get a chance chime in here earlier. The shaft runs anywhere from $17 to about $50 depending on where you get it. And you can purchase just the new shaft or a total kit which is the shaft with the butterflies and the screws. I looked into the Holley book and a couple other places and didn't find much good information on fixing your problem.

But I have both bushing kits which are 5/16 and 3/8 and yours is a 3/8. So 3/8 drill is .375 and with the thickness of the bushing, it should get it down to 360. I haven't done it yet but I'll go measure one and let you know.

But basically that's what you're going to have to do is either re-bush it yourself or just get a new throttle body, ...just the bottom plate. Most of those run anywhere from about $120 to about $240 depending on where you get them. Holley has them all ready to bolt on at $249.
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thanks gents i ordered the reamer and bushings when i did a quadrajet i think i used locktite on the bushings don;t remember the color.. my workshop i made in the basement is working out good it;s always warm 10 degrees outside this morning
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Just measured the 3/8 bushings I have.

Boring tool is .412 O.D.
Bushings are .3475 I.D.

So check the specs of kit you're getting.

3/8 kit on left, 5/16 kit on right.


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