We've heard the "Does it smell like dead people inside?" a thousand times...
When we got it, and all the while my friend was driving it, it smelled no different than any other 40 year old car.
The "passengers" the car once carried are not only well preserved at the time they are in the car, but also in a sealed casket.
So no, it does not smell like dead people.
I'd be more weirded out with an ambulence of this vintage, since people actually bled/died in them.
We removed the casket table and all the related parts and had some pseudo seating in the back. A futon pad and a huge bean bag chair to be specific.
However, while the car was sitting down there, some mice got into it, and now it stinks like mouse piss... not my favorite smell...
Infact, we rustled about 8 mice out of it before I left, and then when I got a few miles down the road, I saw one down by my feet look up at me, and then run under the seat. I found him sitting in the driveway this morning and kindly escorted him to the farthest corner of our yard, so he can go hide in the neighbor's stuff.
I ultimately plan to use it to trailer my car to the track.
I snapped a few more pictures, I'll have to post them up later.