OK, So today was July fourth, unfortunately on July third, the mail lady's didn't tell me they were closing early so I couldn't get any parts. Be that as it may, I tried to make the best of what I already have going on this mild but humid day in New River, Arizona. It actually even rained for a little while, basically just enough to screw up the car wash. Once the sun came out I pushed both chassis outside so I could blow the shop out. The four foot blow gun I bought is the best damn broom I've ever owned. Once it's outside, that's Mother Natures problem.
The chassis with the motor in it is to replace the one in my wagon parts car. It's a chassis I built and then realized I hated it because it was so badly pitted.
I'm test fitting the rear tailpipes for now until the new set arrives. There's a couple of places that just make G-Body tailpipes if you can believe that. I mean they make other stuff but they don't make a G-Body exhaust system, just 2.5 inch mandrel bent tailpipes. One has the brackets welded on, the other companies do not. Weird. ...
Anyway, the tailpipes will need to be recut once they get here. For whatever reason, the stupid things don’t come cut on a forty-five like I like them to be. No surprise there, gotta make sure and touch every piece on the car.
I've been wanting to get the engineering done on the console mount bracket so today was the day. First order of business was to locate all the spot welds that hold the bracket to the previous IROC floor pan. Once that's done, a little cleanup with the die grinder and we're ready to test fit, sixteen times.
And ultimately, this is what I end up with. Now that I’ve hacked up my junk console, I can do the same thing to the console I’m using without potential mistakes. Ended up cutting the mounting bracket up to get the contours I needed. Still will need to weld the pieces to the floor, really just a spot weld in the hole where I drilled out the Generals spot weld. The only exception to the spot welds is the mount for the hand brake. This needs to be solidly mounted and especially when the car has a manual transmission.
This is also my old dash so I'm using it as a test fit piece. I realize there's some build variation but the tolerences should be close enough for this deal. I'll need to make a box for the IROC opening that I created or at the very least, a decorative cover, maybe a switch panel or spot for my iPod jack.