my Grandfather ran his own shop for over 30 years, and I saw all of these things mentioned- paint,asbestos laced brake dust,using gas to clean hands/parts, different chemicals handled without gloves... it was the 2 packs of cigarettes a day and his diet that got him, and not of cancer, but 2 massive coronaries...
back then we really didn't have the gloves and the high tech filtration that we take for granted nowadays... just like using lead in gas, paint and for bodyfiller... what was available was used...
I was actually looking to see if anyone mentioned one thing most of us nowadays are guilty of and most don't really know: used motor oil is a known cancer causing carcinogen... CA even lists it as a hazardous material.... yes, I do use gloves now to change my oil and most general work now, and keep a couple bottles of dawn in the kitchen...
back then we really didn't have the gloves and the high tech filtration that we take for granted nowadays... just like using lead in gas, paint and for bodyfiller... what was available was used...
I was actually looking to see if anyone mentioned one thing most of us nowadays are guilty of and most don't really know: used motor oil is a known cancer causing carcinogen... CA even lists it as a hazardous material.... yes, I do use gloves now to change my oil and most general work now, and keep a couple bottles of dawn in the kitchen...