It's Memorial Day

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Lost in the Labyrinth
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2009
Queens, NY
I don't have to remind our Vets what this day means. Anyone who has lost someone knows what it is about. But I really wonder why am I always the only one on my street who flies the flag on this day? As you go shopping, to the beach or mountains, backyard barbecues, parties, fly the flag. Let people know that YOU know what this day means. I stumbled on this video a while back and I saved it for now. It is pretty hard hitting so if you suffer from PTSD maybe you shouldn't watch. Since the very beginning of this country Americans have been willing to die for the idea that freedom is worth the terrible price.
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I did my 4 deployments to Iraq, have a couple I know who didn't come back as we are now. There is a memorial for one on Little Rock AFB.

I fly my Flag every day the weather is proper for it. My whole neighborhood does, but then again that's the people we are. Most people of society now are garbage.
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I don't have to remind our Vets what this day means. Anyone who has lost someone knows what it about. But I really wonder why am I always the only one on my street who flies the flag on this day? As you go shopping, to the beach or mountains, backyard barbecues, parties, fly the flag. Let people know that YOU know what this day means. I stumbled on this video a while back and I saved it for now. It is pretty hard hitting so if you suffer from PTSD maybe you shouldn't watch. Since the very beginning of this country Americans have been willing to die for the idea that freedom is worth the terrible price.
It's on point for those who have been in the $h!t. Shame today the reason for the day is forgotton to most is cause of the sales, vacations & parties that have nothing to do with having time to remember those who either never returned or returned but didn't.
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I live in a very small town. The town I grew up in is just about a mile to the west but the two towns blend in. A small pond is the dividing line. Ive been going to the local Memorial Day parade since I was probably 11 or 12 years old. The past few years the turnout has been horrible. I put this on the local community page on FB a few years ago. I put it back on the two local community pages this year too. We'll see if more people go Monday morning. What happened to community spirit and small town values ? SMH

Also on the CM community page. Please remember what Memorial Day is about. Get up early and go to the parade. Make it a family tradition.

Ive spent my whole life living in the CM/EM area. Today I went to the Memorial Day parade just as I have every Memorial Day for most of my life. My dad marched in the parade with the VFW many years ago. I marched as a Boy Scout back when Mr Fossett was the scoutmaster. Even my son marched when he was in the little league.
Today as I was watching the parade go by I was actually shocked by the poor turnout of spectators. Every year it seems less people take the time to go to this parade. The sad thing is when I was a youngster the town had around 3500 people but the streets were mobbed with people watching that parade every year. Young kids sitting in the back of their dads pickup truck waving American flags. It was like a Norman Rockwell painting. Even going back 10 or 12 years ago there was a great turnout. This year Main Street was almost empty.
Its sad because the population of the town has more than doubled. All the new people that moved to the town that been my home for 61 years came here to enjoy the small town atmosphere. That yearly parade is part of it folks ! Maybe next year everyone can get up a little early. Get the barbecue plans started a little later in the day. Show up on Main Street and wave at the veterans and the other people that take the time to do this every year. Keep that small town tradition alive for your young kids.
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The answer to that is literally what our society has become. I'm 39 and at the lower end of a generation that is actually decent. Me and my fellow military guys are of the same breed. The ones younger than us are garbage, the civilians are worse.
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Let's face it. Americans can be very lazy and lackadaisical. Twas always thus. Yes, when a gun is pointed at us we will get up and shove that gun up your azz. But until then, who won the game last night? I compare that to recent immigrants. I live in Queens NY, often called the biggest melting pot in the USA. I know lots of families that went through hell to get here. Just to give their kids a better life. And those kids joined the military. Became cops, firemen, construction workers, bus drivers, doctors, lawyers, court officers, mailmen, you name it. They work hard and long. And those people LOVE this country. Because they fled real shitoles that were corrupt and dangerous. They NEVER badmouth the USA. In fact they wonder aloud why Americans don't appreciate all that they have. 911 shook this country to it's core. It inspired many young people to join the military. Many came back in a box. Why does it take something like that to get us focused all the time? Why is it when the shooting stops- we fall asleep again? And if you want to appreciate the sheer enormity of how many brave men and women have sacrificed all for this country- visit a Federal military cemetery. The neat white rows go on forever. Each one is someone's Mother, Father, Sister, Brother that this day is for.
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Your whole statement literally applies to a generation of us that will understand that, like I said above you go a little bit below me, those people won't get it..
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Your whole statement literally applies to a generation of us that will understand that, like I said above you go a little bit below me, those people won't get it..
Not to make this political but those younger people will eventually be running the country. Pretty scary when you think about it.
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Not to make this political but those younger people will eventually be running the country. Pretty scary when you think about it.
I am not worried about it because I will die before then..look how long the sh*t "incharge" hangs on now..
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