Joke of the day

A truck, tire, somewhere in Asia, adrift from the truck, moving at a rate of speed sufficiently fast enough that it not only rammed that SUV but was able to roll it over after punching in the complete driver's side??

Two things, the driver of the truck never stopped, just motored along. And the owner of the car had a hard time explaining to the local cops how he came to have a truck tire in the front seat when the vehicle wasn't a truck!

And no pause button on the video.

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Nice close up. Wonder how Wun Hung Low's body shop is going to repair that damage? Not likely to be any kind of a frame so if No frame then get out the sawzall and start cutting away the damage, find a donor, cut out the necessary section and bark up the mig welder. Total tongue in cheek here but now wondering if there is another car, same make and model, with the passenger's side stove in because of a rampaging truck tire?

Guys, lets bring it down a couple notches ok?
We had them things in Iraq, think they were called Truck-alls. Little 3cyl 5spd manuals. Like a go-kart with a truck body.

We called them scooters and scooter vans, you can buy them stateside too. They're not cheap though. You can also get them turbo and 4wd.
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Close to these things... and read that ad there, that's a dual cab 5 seater.. 🤣

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Close to these things... and read that ad there, that's a dual cab 5 seater.. 🤣

I guess the back counts too?
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