Joke of the day

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Supercharged, you're right in your belief that commercial rubbing alcohol is poisonous. The local ethnic segment I am trying to avoid being too specific about can't readily purchase legitimate liquor because they have no tolerence for it. So it becomes a case of whatever it takes to get that buzz; hairspray in a paperbag over the head, air fresheners, oxy-c pain meds, high octane mouth wash, doesn't matter all that much when the need is that desperate.

Ironically, while my dad was in vet's rehab for injuries, one of the remedies employed back then to cool off the patients because there was no central A/C then was the use of alcohol rubs. The alcohol came in 45 gallon drums and it was grain alcohol and potable; that is it could be consumed. The under the bed drink of the day was a vodka-orange juice analogue using this stuff diluted with water and juice. Had to have the water, the stuff had an alcohol ratio higher than 151 Bacardi, which is about 75% alcohol by volume. Only the absolute diehard alcoholics in the crew could stomach swilling that stuff down straight and most of them were about half dead at that point anyway. Of course it was locked up down in the supply stores but a couple of the ward were "ingenious" when it came to coming and going so that was a non issue in any event. Haven't looked for the stuff for any good reason for a long while but back when I did enjoy booze you could still buy 40 oz bottles of straight grain alcohol for use in creating "fruit" punch, emphasis on the punch.

When I was an going for an engineering degree in the 90s they sold that stuff by the gallon in the chemical supply room, it was the same thing as ever clear except it cost $1.50/gallon instead of $20 a handle. So figure you got 2.5x as much for less than 1/10th the price.

Another bonus was it was a dry campus so no need for smuggling. Campus security catches you, it has the University stamps on the label and was legit to own - if you were an engineering major. Didn't matter if you were 21, no alky on campus.

All the fraternities let any engineering student in, even to closed functions, and got the stuff for the jungle juice in return.