Here is some more pictures of what I'm working with. Here's the rust hole on the core support. Looks pretty easy to repair, but I haven't started poking at it yet.
Here is the hole in the bottom of the A/C box. I think I repaired it once with epoxy and a piece of sheet metal which is what you can see inside.
I tried to get a picture highlighting the rough texture of the firewall with the cracked seam sealer, the multiple layers of paint, the rust etc.
I guess my first step should be to remove the hood. I think I'm going to build some type of stand that I can store it on upright. Then I can get the bumper, fillers, header panel and fenders.
Here is the hole in the bottom of the A/C box. I think I repaired it once with epoxy and a piece of sheet metal which is what you can see inside.
I tried to get a picture highlighting the rough texture of the firewall with the cracked seam sealer, the multiple layers of paint, the rust etc.
I guess my first step should be to remove the hood. I think I'm going to build some type of stand that I can store it on upright. Then I can get the bumper, fillers, header panel and fenders.