Thanks anyway megaladon6, I don't have a pic today, but will try. The brackets (2) seem to go to the right (Drivers) side of the Carb, but I don't understand how to attach Kickdown on the 4160 Holley. It looks like the carb sits up to high, and I can't get a good strait line on it. I had to use an Adapter plate(1/2") thick, but even without that the carb still looks like it sits up to high to have kickdown in straight line with linkage. One Bracket has 2 square openings, one for the throttle linkage, and then below that a larger one for the kickdown to slide through. My problem is that on the Holley 4160 it appears to me that the Kickdown levers on the carb are at the same level as the throttle, but just on the inside more. Guess I need to call Holley in the Morning. Tech Support.