kids need to get BEATEN!!!1

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If they allowed parents to parent again then that alone would stop alot of those kids, the mere threat that parents could physically punish you without any repercussions for the law would change their attitudes. The kids know these days that parents cannot lay a finger on them without the good possibility of getting arrested.
Thats is two fold thing though, the parents of the little a-holes probably couldnt be trusted with dealing out any punishment. Which is why those kinds of laws were created, on one side you have the parents that beat the holy crap out of there kids for no reason which prompted laws like that and on the other side you have the parents who just dont give a crap anyway and really dont deserve to raise there little brats, but defend that there kids are perfect little angels. If parents could be responsible the obvious choice is that kids need to be shown that there are consequences for there actions and if that means they cant sit down for a while then so be it. Im 24, was raised by my grandpa that was a farmer, my greatest fear was a belt clearing belt loops but guess what im better for it and i sure knew not to do anything stupid, and that carries over into life now, i know full and well that if i screw up now i sure get more than a belt to the *ss. I have a boy and 2 girls and i guarantee they will never act like that
Im not a parent, but I have had plenty of experience with parents and their kids. What amazes me most these days, is when a 3 yr old says the word "WANT". What does a three yr old know about wanting anything>? They learn that from their parents, and all they have to do is whine and cry and throw a big enough fit, and they will get what they "want" , which they probably lose interest in 5 minutes later. The only thing a kid should want is FOOD, WATER, SHELTER, CLOTHING AND LOVE!...things that arent really wants, but needs.... parents need to stop being such pansy asses and tell their kids NO!..and if the kid acts like a fool, just put him in the hot car seat and let him/her sweat for a few minutes till he/she learns how to behave. Just my opinion.... :mrgreen:
bill said:
parents need to stop being such pansy asses and tell their kids NO!.

100 percent agree. We are so spoiled in this world and live in a fantasy that we can have everything and do whatever we want. It isn't reality. Kids need to understand that so they don't grow up being brats or criminals.
Punch the kid beaking off the most in the face,and all the other douchebags will fall into place,sit down and shut up!!
Disgusting bastards,how would they feel if that was their Grandmother that it happened to???This new generation has no
respect for anybody.......They make me sick! :puke: :puke:
Elky81 said:
Punch the kid beaking off the most in the face,and all the other douchebags will fall into place,sit down and shut up!!
Disgusting bastards,how would they feel if that was their Grandmother that it happened to???This new generation has no
respect for anybody.......They make me sick! :puke: :puke:
And to think they only have the balls to do this when their friends are around so they can gang up on people. I bet each one of these little f%#k sticks are quiet and shy without their buddies. I still cant get through 2 minutes of this video
i have a 2 year old and he knows the woth word "NO" and what it means. even though he will piss and cry it is over in 3 mins and he is off playing and i tell him it isn’t the end of the world. just because you cant have it now don’t mean you cant have any tomorrow or so on.

And i talk to my 2 year old like he is an adult 1 don’t care even though he may not under sand. I know some of it is getting through to him. I am not going to talk like a baby to any kid even my wife dus the same thing.

i part time at an auto parts store and my wife and my son stooped in. he was playing with the tools and seen a guy trying to get in "Doors only pule fromt he oust side" my liitle 2.3 year old ran to the door to try to help open it! i was in SHOCK! so was my wife and boss then i had to intervene before he got in to way lol so i hope some how i am teaching him.
I couldn't even get past a minute of that video!! :evil: if that was my son or my girls kids doing that sh*t i would backhand them like no other.. But they knows better then that. Kids pick on my son and i tell him to just walk away but if the don't stop then put them in their place. Kids these days think they "deserve" ipods, cellphones, etc etc.. They just don't want to earn anything. It plain sickens me on how the younger generation is.. I'm actually am afraid of our future.. :? I'm 31 and have worked for everything i have and will continue to do so.. I was raised to respect my elders and be polite, Now i work with a few older guys at work and we get along like buddies and even though we talk smack to each other we know it's all in good nature. But to make her cry is unfathomable.. :shock: The parents of these kids should be ashamed of themselves and what they raised....
I read an article last year that even kids my age and older who are going to college and university think it is their right to have a job lined up for them out of high school and that people should give them everything.

The only thing I though I should have been given was a $1000 scholarship for striving to achieve in school. The only reason I thought I should have been given that was because I had switched school to get more course options and was forced to board around from december untill may. I would stay at 5 different places fro a day or week and hardly know where I would spend my night just so i could get my high school education. I had made my marks inprove by 20% and was able to walk across the stage to get my certificate last night with my head held high. Was I upset i didn't get the scholarship? yes. Did i care for much more than 2 minutes? no.

It makes me sick that thoes kids have a bus to take to school every day and are so ignorant they can easily do this to that lady.
What the fawk is with society today? Seems the kids have more rights then the parents do. The little bastards know that if the parents lay a hand on them that all they have to do is call the police a cry child abuse. Whatever happened to a cuff up side the head if you stepped out of line? The little fu**kers are ignorant and should be taken out behind the garage and beaten.
I just had an incident happen to my son the other night that wasn't funny at all, the next door neighbors kid, who is 18, shot my son in the arm with a BB gun and yes the police were called. His parents didn't do a thing about it and told him that they were proud of him. :wtf:
Society is going to hell very quickly! The scary part of it is that these little bastards will be running the country some day. God help us all.

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