pontiacgp said:when you cut one front spring that effects the whole car, if you had measured the frame before and after you cut the other front spring you would have notice the frame height on the first spring you cut dropped further when you cut the other side. When were doing our ride height on the race car if we raise or lower one corner 1/4" it changes the ride height on the 3 other corners... if you think of a chair with 4 legs if you cut one leg short it will hang in the air and more weight will be on the other 3 legs. If the legs of the chairs could compress the chair cut chair leg would still be hinging but the other three legs would compress with the extra weight. That's what your car doing with one spring cut..
your car looks great and those wheels really set it off.... 🙂
Exactly!.... and when you lower the front...the rear will drop as well because the weight of the drive train will drop as one. I noticed that when I put bigger, stronger springs in the front of my car, it raised the WHOLE car...not just the front....and if I added weight to the back floor boards, IE 4 batteries....the whole car lowered about an inch.....its all about the front/rear weight balance/bias....thus, I plan to lower my front end about an inch or so, then the whole car will squat down a bit more. Right now, she looks like a 4wd!...lol