I am not saying he is selling out - just getting his due. Nothing wrong there.
^^^^^^^Right X2^^^^^^^^
I wouldn't consider a couple of free tools and the occasional free or discounted part to be all that lucrative.......considering the hours he has invested.
^^^^^^^^And right also^^^^^^^^
Matt has put in effort - no argument from anyone other than idiot. He's getting his due - no doubt about it. He's chasing after something that he enjoys and I don't see how anyone can hold that against him, but understand that he knows he needs an audience.
More power to him and I'm envious, and I hope he keeps it going. The point I'm after was disputing 'internet tunes' - it takes the time and effort that Matt has put in to get it right. Posting that with this cam and that turbo on a 6.0 14 degrees is good at 14 psi because it's been done on the interwebs is crap.
My two cents and done here regarding this - Jim