Do I replace the O rings with OEM one's? I remember reading that if switching to R134 you want to have different material/type o-rings, but not sure if you did that? If so, were do I buy them? Do you just charge it with straight Freon? No oil? What about evacuating the system of an remaining R12?If you have everything there just replace the O rings, the drier and orifice tube and either charge the system with R134a yourself or pay someone. Dad and I have done this to half a dozen R12 systems (and he has done it since the 90's on off highway equipment) and if the compressor has been sealed it's almost always fine. I have killed 2 compressors doing this but the compressors were shot anyways and sat exposed to atmosphere for over a decade.
The amount of parts that will swap to an LS from the stock R4 system is small. The cost to get the existing system working is small if the compressor is fine.
You can get the stock system working for under $100. If it dies quickly you are out $100 but it's cheaper than dumping $700 into redoing the entire system or adapting a sanden compressor onto it and then making lines and brackets that will get used for maybe 1-2 years.