Hell no, Jim! It's obvious that I need to work on my short game. I need a strategy or routine, which I don't have at the moment. I still let the prerace jitters get to me, and the tree erases any and all memory of the last launch. I want it to be easy: side step the clutch, hammer down, and shift. Well, that's not going to happen without a frame swap and rear suspension work. So, I need to learn how to work what I have for now. That entails duplicating the burnout every time (i didn't have enough brake pressure a few times and it pushed), controlling the clutch release to a good 60, then duplicating that. More seat time required.....
I'm also missing 2-3mph. My racer buddy says it's because I hooked up. He says you'll get a falsely inflated mph if you're spinning. He's been racing for 50 yrs, so I guess he's right? Or, was it the shifty air, or the 2 degrees of timing I pulled?