What does it look like under the moldy carpeting? If the floor is good, its worth saving in some form or another. With that much rust and moldy carpeting.. ugh. If the floor is bad... crusher.
Earlier this year there was a rust free, straight '80 Lemans Roller in Dallas that was on Craiglist for 3 months for $800.
'80 Lemans is a great car and a lot of us on here would love to have one, but not a lot of us would put $10K worth of Rust repair into one and that's before of body and paint work.
It sucks but sometimes you have to crunch the numbers and make a list of what you have and what you'd need and sometimes you find out its better to strip it and send it to the crusher. I had to do this with a $1,000 '70 big bad blue 360 4 speed go pack Javelin. Sure I could have fixed all the rust and had $30K and 2 years of my life in a car that would eventually be worth $30K, or I could part it out, make a little money on the parts or use them on other projects and spend the money on better cars to work with.