My steering wheel is upside down on my '84 Regal

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Stoopud said:
I just had the problem. When the column is upside down the blinkers work funny (at least mine did).

That's what I would have guessed- makes sense.... so I guess that *should* answer the question depending whether or not his blinkers work normally now.

is this a tilt column? the wheel can not be put on 180 degrees off because the wheel has to let the horn button come thur, now if it is a tilt wheel and someone took it apart to tighten the pivot bolts they may have taken the upper shaft out and installed it upside down...
the locking plate has a gap in it that keys the cancelling cam and wheel. does this make sense to you?....jesse
Thanks for the help fellas. Everything works fine and looks to be in the right place (besides the wheel being upside down). I took out the bolt connecting the shaft, but I couldn't pull the column apart from it. There was no room for them to move. After I took the bolt out I turned the steering wheel, but the wheels moved also because the shaft and column were still connected. They are squared, not they both turned. Any other way to remove the shaft?

Oh, and yes the column is a different color, so I'm pretty sure it's been replaced.


that shaft is collapsible and is supposed to slide up in a collision..have you tried removing the shaft from the steering box to see if you can get that sleeve to slide ...
Kind of a neandrathal method but take the bolt out and wack the rag part of the shaft that sticks-out a little with a hammer (in the direction you want it to move). Since it has been replaced before it should move if you get it started. Again, mine did.
if it were me, I would just drill the seat upside down to the roof.
You will need to pry the column back off the box. The pinch bolt can be taken off and then it should slide back. The only problem is that it will probably stick to the splines a bit, but it should move back. This is the only way to fix it as the piece that the horn attaches to is a post that won't move without taking off the lock plate. However, the lock plate is indexed to the steering shaft and can only go on one way. So you can see that removing the column or collapsing the shaft is the only real way to fix the problem.
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