Pic 1. Drivers side single wire dark green = temp sending unit to gauge.So, it doesn't appear that I have too much disconnected, etc. I took photos of everything I could find. Still not having any luck with seeing any numbers on the block 😒. I'll be checking the heads hopefully tomorrow - to see what they are, and hopefully tell if I have a roller or flat tappet. 🤔
Again, seems all they did was take off the old (newer) TBI setup and put on an intake and carburetor.
Here are some photos of plugged hoses and disconnected wires if anyone can help. I also have a photo if the carb. (info on the carb., trans., and intake are posted above). There is a plate missing. Guy said it was the choke.
The engine seems/sounds good, revs hard when just sitting in park. 🤔 I did notice that the carb is getting more air when I disconnect the air cleaner hose.. but I suppose that is normal? Anyhow, off to get some vacuum test gages and I still need to attempt the timing today. Here are the photos I have:
Pic 2. Yellow and black wire half ripped out of thermostat neck is temp sending unit to computer.
Pic 3. 3 of the 4 below are in the pic.
A) Pink with black stripe wire and Light blue wire = Carb air fuel solenoid.
B) Pink with black stripe wire and brown wire = Air diverter solenoid
C) Pink with black stripe wire and green with yellow stripe wire = carburetor air purge solenoid
D) Pink with black stripe wire and grey wire = EGR solenoid.
Pic 4. No Idea what is in the pic.
Pic 5. I think that is port J depending on engine that can go to EGR/ purge/TCC/TVS or ?. Probably went to all those missing solenoids first. Is the vacuum diagram sticker still there?
Carb is missing the choke blade.
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