Another thing. ALWAYS try and use the carb that came with the motor as it has subtle differences specific to that motor. If the carb you have is an unknown, but worked well, stick with it. Even an off the shelf carb with the same numbers probably won't work as well as the original. That said, if you know what you are doing and have the parts, you can take any Q-jet and make it into whatever you want. That's where a guy like Ken comes in. When you give him ALL of your information, he can build a great carb for you. Anyway, how does it run? You said " it has started to seep gas at the base gasket" , is that all? Have you tried tightening up the air horn screws? (not too tight!). The float bowl really can't leak so I'm thinking the accelerator pump circuit may be leaking through a loose or bad gasket. It's a " a grungy non electronic quadrajet". I'd get a few cans of carb cleaner, a small paint brush and an old toothbrush and clean it up. Then you can evaluate it better. If it is otherwise running well I'd keep it and play with it.