The internet is such a wonderful thing these days. Just when you think you have sourced all the possible places for products you find 20 more to page though & see what special mixes they have for you. The one guy's statement is 100% true to do your homework. Opinions are good as this is an opinion thread, having read your posts I bet after you have flooded your brain till the money is avaliable you will have the answer you want easily.
Honestly for what it sounds like you want to do I would go with a nice 454 with a mid range cam. It will be reliable which is always nice and also make that twisting force you need.. Nobody wants to rebuild engines all winter
That engine dyno is cool but man that spike in torque is not my favorite..
Honestly for what it sounds like you want to do I would go with a nice 454 with a mid range cam. It will be reliable which is always nice and also make that twisting force you need.. Nobody wants to rebuild engines all winter
That engine dyno is cool but man that spike in torque is not my favorite..