View attachment 52742 It's going to have to be a slow process, as I have to get my current project back to running on the stock engine. I'll be pulling the BBC out, going to a single carb and using it in the new car.
I've been looking at ridetech coil over level 2 kit. Probably just a good th350 for now, pulling the diff and a few other parts from my old car as I had 3:73's and a BBC in it, so a lot of the chassis and exhaust will make the move. Of course big brakes and what not. Short term is to get it back on the street, make it stop and go quickly. Long term looking to do a mild pro touring car. Would like to be able to just jump in it and go for a drive to SoCal if I wanted to.
Sounds like a great plan for the build. I might be a bit biased tho, as I'm building a ProTouring car as well; an '80 Cutlass.
Ride Tech makes some great components, I'm using some of their stuff as well, only I'm going air ride rather than coil overs.
Feel free to check out my build thread titled "The Juggernaut" on here if you're interested.