My thing is, most of the good diesels just seem to run forever with little servicing and the GM diesels tended to die off pretty rapidly when they were new. This was the era when you could get the most reliable car in history new-and it was a diesel. I am of course referring to the Mercedes Benz W123 Chassis 240D, 300D and 300Dt. Slow, but more of them have hit the million mile mark than any other car ever produced. The GM cars were lucky to hit 150k. None of the diesels we are talking about were quick-none could even hit 60 in under 13 seconds, but it seems that GM did it half assed and built it's engine more to have something to offer the Mercedes buyer than to actually build a good reliable engine. I was a kid when they were new, but they were the butt of many a joke back then. Low mileage diesels were in the parts for sale section of the paper for very little money with dead engines. Some of it was ignorance of the owners, but much was probably due to design flaws inherent in converting a gas engine to diesel. They are responsible for the undeserved black eye diesel has in this country now, but hopefully that will change soon. Please don't think I am poking fun at you because I am not. If you have found a way to make this engine do what you need it to I applaud your efforts and would love to learn more from you. I love to learn and always enjoy exploring different technologies. I have started a few diesel threads in the General Discussion forum lately because I want to share and explore ideas/opinions on the subject. It has been a subject I have been researching over the last month or so as I will probably buy a diesel in the not too distant future. I have no actual experience with diesels, so I can't wait to play with an inexpensive "guinea pig" vehicle when I have time for it. It will likely be a 82-85 300D turbo as they are easy to find good information and parts for. Plus, they are cheap and can be found for under $1,000. I may try to brew biodiesel or find it through a local co-op or even run WVO in it. There are so many things I want to try and I can't wait to get started.