Made it to the track, for the truly 1st time with the car not having tons of trouble. But trouble lead up to track day. All I can say is 'down with Snake Eater Performance' - I'm onto 18 injectors from them and can't put 8 together that will run for more than 3-10 heat cycles. They lock up when they get hot and after that occurs 2-3 times, then they are locked up for good. Finally threw in the towel on them Wednesday night, with much disappointment. And my spare set of 60lber's just aren't enough - they were maxed ut at 17-18psi on the 4.8, and I'm sure they would've been sooner on the current 5.3. After moping for a day or so, I did doing some research, and it seems that Deka 80's will handle just about 900 crank hp on gasoline at 85 psi of fuel pressure. So I asked my son, Friday, if I could borrow his Deka 80's. Of course he obliged, so Friday night I pulled off the swap. Also tracked down 5 gallons of C16 Friday as well from one of the local speed shops - $13/gallon vs. $2/gallon for E85 - thank you SEP.
Drove the car for several hours Friday night, and Saturday to get a decent base tune in it. Headed to the track - 75 miles away - planning to be on fumes or darn close. Got to the track this morning and poured in the C16 and gave it some whacks. This was my 1st go 'round with the sloppy transbrake, and I have to admit that it showed. 1st 3 runs were almost useless between a couple of silly tuning snafu's on my end and dialing in the launch enough to be functional. I put in the ULTRA safe timing tune, and made a couple of fuel adjustments based on the 3 runs with terrible launches. But I was able to determine that the boost was still between 21-22 lbs on spring and the injectors seemed to be at 75% duty cycle (so a little wiggle room, but not much).
Launching at 4psi of boost and 3k rpm's, I was able to get two 60's in the 1.75-1.8 range. Not super, but OK - I can get it to 8 psi, so more to come next time for launching. I kept the timing to 8 degrees over 5000 rpm's to again, to be ULTRA safe. The best I could muster was 10.7 at 131. The AFR was 10.5 on the big end by design. So at the moment I think I can get the 60 to or 1.5 or1.6, maybe 1.4, and I can lean it out to 11.0 and add another 6-7 degrees up top with the C16 and still be at a DC of 85% or less. I see .8-1 second off, but time will tell.
I want to turn up the boost in the worst way, but I can't with these injectors - have I already complained about the SEP 142lber's (SMH)!!!
My China intercooler is borderline worthless lol. I'm getting upto 200 degrees on the intake temp. I guess I'll be adding a meth nozzle and pump soon. Probably some low budget gig that adds 10-20 gallons of washer fluid / hour. Wouldn't be a concern if I was on E, but it is on gas/race gas.
Lastly, if Drag Week hadn't of cancelled, my pocket book would be lighter because I'd a been on a set of FIC 's(Fuel Injector Clinic) or ID's by now for cough cough $1000-1200 cough. (Don't mention that to my wife 🙁 ) All in the name of fun though 🙂