Ontario Malibu Wagon

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Living in the Past
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2009
Permanent Temporary
I wonder what shipping four coils to Canada would cost. I have Moog 5660 and CC527 on my wagon, and I finally knuckled under and bought the set of four 3" drops from OPGI (for an absurd price - even on Black Friday sale prices..) If I keep the 3 inchers, I will have an extra set that has never actually been on the road (but my wagon 'settled' them for you). You may not want to wait that long, though...I'm double-booked at work, and not much car time lately.


Aug 21, 2015
Northern Ontario, Canada
I wonder what shipping four coils to Canada would cost. I have Moog 5660 and CC527 on my wagon, and I finally knuckled under and bought the set of four 3" drops from OPGI (for an absurd price - even on Black Friday sale prices..) If I keep the 3 inchers, I will have an extra set that has never actually been on the road (but my wagon 'settled' them for you). You may not want to wait that long, though...I'm double-booked at work, and not much car time lately.
Thank you for that generous offer. I know it takes time, especially for those of us with busy lifestyles and schedules. I looked in OPGI for other stuff but haven't checked into shipping costs yet. To add to complications, I'm not even near a major center and often companies won't ship this far or this much out of the way, and sub contractors have to pick up the slack. I was able to pick up coils at my local parts jobber - more cost than others I'm sure, but not a deal breaker. They're very good to me overall. I needed then asap as the others got turned to mush after sitting through two northern winters. Getting the car safetied is my priority right now. I can get fancy with it in the years to come. It's a keeper so I'll have more time and money later.


Aug 21, 2015
Northern Ontario, Canada
Welcome to the site...cool story! Wagon looks like it's in pretty nice shape yet!
Thank you O.D. I'm really excited about this car. The woman who originally owned it passed away in 2013 - she was 93. I met her after I started writing for our local paper, and interviewed her at her 90th birthday. That's when she told me about the wagon. I've always wanted one. But I love a car with a good story even more. She's an amazing woman who has left an amazing legacy and family behind, and has made so many contributions to our community, and mankind. Quite the partier I hear too, from friends and family. I spoke with her daughter recently and told her I had the car. She said she had always wondered what happened to it, and said her mom would be pleased that I have it.


Aug 21, 2015
Northern Ontario, Canada
I agree, cool story! Wagon looks like a great starting point for ya. Welcome, btw, from Calgary, AB.
Thanks Donovan. So far so good. The coils are the only major work so far, due to my negligence. The original owner's daughter told me that her mom always parked the car indoors at night during the winters. I don't about the second owner while he drove it, but it sat outside for the last two years at the back of my neighbor's lot which is quite huge. With a newborn, I could barely keep up with the snow on our house and the coils got crushed from the snow. New ones are going on in about an hour when mommy gets home.


Living in the Past
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2009
Permanent Temporary
Wow. I have never seen a coil spring utterly collapse like that before. I like the idea that you had a personal connection to the previous owner. I located the original owner of my wagon (traded it in, then it passed to a wholesaler) and he was overjoyed that someone was appreciating the effort he put into the repaint ten years before. I think he'd be very surprised what it looks like today. And if I can get it back on the road before he passes away, it will be fun sweeping a few Colorado curves with him on the passenger side.


Aug 21, 2015
Northern Ontario, Canada
That looks great! Congrats! What plans do you have for it?
Thanx Rumble :). So far, my immediate plans are just to resurrect it and try to enjoy what's left of our very short summer. So far it's been pretty good with all I can see for safety - rear coils and shocks, bulbs, coolant overflow bottle (ordered). Front end is solid. Wheels and drums nice and loose - no seizing. Newer lines still looking new. Frame and floors are great. Good glass. Good exhaust. I'm pleasantly surprised considering it sat the last two years. I was prepared and expecting much worse. I'll store it for the winter. Gonna put up a temporary shelter on an old garage pad I have under my shed, which I'm moving out the way.


Aug 21, 2015
Northern Ontario, Canada
Wow. I have never seen a coil spring utterly collapse like that before. I like the idea that you had a personal connection to the previous owner. I located the original owner of my wagon (traded it in, then it passed to a wholesaler) and he was overjoyed that someone was appreciating the effort he put into the repaint ten years before. I think he'd be very surprised what it looks like today. And if I can get it back on the road before he passes away, it will be fun sweeping a few Colorado curves with him on the passenger side.
I knowww! I've seen cars sit in the snow before and survive - this is the first time I've seen this happen. But my neighbor says 90 % of the cars he's seen sit had the same bad ending - he's almost 80 :). Thanks for your support - I'm thrilled with this find. And yes, I did own an '81 Iraqi back @ 2000. It was a bit of a pail, but a boat load of fun :). I'll post pics when I find and scan the prints.
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