If as an '85 you are required to get checked it may not be so bad. You don't have the hard-to-pass OBD2 , just the rudimentary OBD1. That includes a catalytic converter (easy to install) a smog pump, a computer, various sensors, and a CCC carburetor/distributor. Passing a visual test is easy even if all your stuff is inoperable/phony. That leaves the tailpipe sniffer test. All that is, is a probe stuck up the pipe that wants to see 1980's era levels of exhaust emissions. That is where it gets interesting. My 1981 Malibu wagon with the 229 V-6 NEVER passed the sniffer test. EVER. No matter what I did including rebuilding the carb several times. I swapped in a 1976 Pontiac 350 from a LeMans that had always passed the sniffer for that year. What I did to pass 1981 emissions was to change the jets in the 2GC carb and lean it out substantially. It passed with flying colors. The only thing original was the catalytic converter- which is the single biggest factor for those years. I later put a Pontiac 400 in and put a CAT on each of the dual exhaust pipes. It also passed easily. That is because the sniffer test is at idle. You can tune for a great clean idle and after you pass just adjust it back. Luckilly no one uses the idiotic IM-240 test with the chassis dyno/rollers stuff anymore.