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Royal Smart Person
Oct 14, 2006
I took the time to read up on all of Ron Paul's issues and I have to say, this is the first time I've ever agreed with a candidate 100% on his issues.

There's a reason why he's gaining so much funding and support and that's because he's the anti-politician. He's an OB/GN and was an Air Force surgeon.

Right now he's a long shot because in large I think the media will decide who's best for them and YOU. And without a doubt, the media wants a subway series - Hillary vs. Rudy, so I'm sure that's the coverage you'll get and you'll hear little to nothing about Ron Paul.

So I'll spread the word.... 😀 Take some time to read his website, if you like him, give him your support to save the good ol USA and put the country back on the right track.
Full disclosure report: I am supporting Mitt Romney...

That aside, you need maybe to read a little more. You might want to do a search and cross reference Ron Paul with Neal Boortz. Apparently, Mr. Paul is railing about wasteful spending but has quite the record of bringing home some serious pork for his home district in Texas.

It's not that I don't like the guy, but he is after all, a politician. I don't think you have any choice other than to line up your beliefs, and then try to cross them with who is running, and then back the closest one.

I don't agree with him on a great many things, but I won't be upset at all if Ron gets the nomination.
Let me say I didn't start this thread to cause a debate... and I'm not one to ever endorse a candidate publicly, but the more I know about Ron Paul and how he stands on the issues, the more I understand why his supporters are so passionate - He believes in Life, Liberty and the Constitution. But hey, unless George Carlin starts running, my vote is with Ron if he makes it that far. 😀
Not a Ron Paul supporter. The guy has come out with some scary ideas and I do not want him in office. I wish Newt Gingrich would run because I could get behind him. Romney is OK, but he has flip flopped on the Abortion issue and I am strongly Pro-Life. For the same reason, I will not get behind Guliani. I am thinking about Huckabee, but have to do more research before I would support him. As for the Democratic candidates, I would not vote for ANY of them. Not a big fan of Marxism, and most of them are old school Marxists as defined by "The Communist Manifesto"--not the Soviet block states of the 20th century. ("To each according to their need from each according to their ability")
I agree with most of what you said. I am a little afraid of Ron Paul, but he is much better than any democrat, so...

And, as far as Romney's flip flop, you might find an old sound bite that says something like that, but you'll never find a piece of legislation or a vote from him going that way. Reagan was a pro-abortion democrat before he saw the light as well, so I'm hopeful.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that people can actually think here! That is the most encouraging thing to me!
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
Not a Ron Paul supporter. The guy has come out with some scary ideas and I do not want him in office. I wish Newt Gingrich would run because I could get behind him. Romney is OK, but he has flip flopped on the Abortion issue and I am strongly Pro-Life. For the same reason, I will not get behind Guliani. I am thinking about Huckabee, but have to do more research before I would support him. As for the Democratic candidates, I would not vote for ANY of them. Not a big fan of Marxism, and most of them are old school Marxists as defined by "The Communist Manifesto"--not the Soviet block states of the 20th century. ("To each according to their need from each according to their ability")

What are some of his ideas that scare you? I admire his courage and principles that stand out from all the other republicans. I think his ideas are brilliant because he actually uses logical thinking to solve todays problems. He's pro-life, pro-liberty and most important of all, pro-Constitution. There's nothing to be afraid from a man that was on OB/GN Doctor that has delivered over 4000 babies and was an Air Force surgeon.

I haven't found one thing I dislike about him. As ALL for the others, there are so many that I wont even comment on them.
There's nothing to be afraid from a man that was on OB/GN Doctor that has delivered over 4000 babies and was an Air Force surgeon.

and there's nothing to fear from an army corporal who becomes an artist and an author either!

just kidding of course, but you can't always go by someones job as a judge. one thing i didn't like on his web site is the statement that he's never found it necessary to perform an abortion to save a womans life. ok so the fact that he's never seen it means it's never happened? and why does he want to put the abortion issus back into the states hands? it just means that if you can't get one in NY then you go to connecticut.
This is not something I heard first hand, but it comes from what a friend told me he saw on the Glen Beck show on CNN. Things like eliminating the FBI, saying the only reason people don't like us is because we have a strong military, eliminating road use taxes on gas and making you pay a toll when you want to use a road, etc.
Glenn Beck is somewhat of a demagogue and he's sour grapes because there was a snafu about Paul appearing on the show and it didn't happen - so there some baggage there. I like Beck, but he gets really preachy and bent off in directons pretty easily.

I'm pretty sure he's doesn't want to eliminate the FBI. I know he does want to cut out alot of departments like the IRS, eliminate income tax and overall reduce the bureaucracy that plagues our government. And he's made it clear the he thinks the world doesn't hate us because the are a rich a powerful nation, it's how we use our military and conduct our foreign affairs.

Hahaha Mega... I do know that Paul does want to limit big government in our lives and give more power on the state level, just to keep a balance of power on different levels.
I have heard him say MANY times, including at one of the debates, that he would like to eliminate the FBI. His rationale is that it will allow the states to police themselves and further get the federal government out of our lives.

That may be true on the surface, but putting ideas like that into practice more often end in dismal failure than actually helping people.

NO GLENN BECK BASHING! Now, there's someone who really tells it like it is. There is no politician in him at all. Certainly not demagoguery... I think he was upset because Ron Paul has been dodging a few questions, like "What about all the pork that you've brought back to your district while campaigning against wasteful government spending?"

As a veteran and a true believer that the United States of America is the "shining city on a hill," that someone great spoke of, I am deeply offended when Mr. Paul goes into a rant about how 9/11 is our fault because of how many troops we have in how many countries. I'm also tired of his liberal wacko speeches about neocons. Get a grip. I tried to be nice before, but this is how it is; he is better than ANY democrat I have seen. That's all I can say about him that's good.

If it comes to bare knuckles and back rooms, then so be it. If they want it to be us or them then I'm fighting for us.

End of story.
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