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KrisW said:

Yeah, that's a good one. Here's what's at the bottom of that site:
YYou lose right to all privacy if you email me.
Unless your email is favorable of this site and makes
fun of Ron Paul also.
But the ultimate decision belongs to me.

Anyway, I was pro-Bush, pro-Iraq war since day one, until about a year ago. It's a mess over there and it has not changed. But that's what happens when you get entangled with middle eastern politics. I'm a firm believer in the fact that those who don't know and understand history are doomed to repeat it. We are repeating it, and now we are paying the price to try and save face. We have lost our way over there and this will all be in vein until we capture and or kill Osama - The whole reason we went to war in the first place.

Ron Paul is a real long shot, so the haters really shouldn't fear him too much, but I hope who ever gets in will really take a look at things and get this great country back on track, at home and abroad, to ensure our future freedoms and prosperity well into this century.

With that I'll bow out of this thread.
You don't have to bow out; we're all being civil here. Nobody wants to push you out. If nobody brings up issues like this then they don't get discussed.

They NEED to be discussed.

As for my above link, I use another old saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater," from Martin Luther. That means there is something important to be seen there regardless of the crap that is next to it.

You can't rail against wasteful, inefficient government if you are participating in those endeavors. Not unless you're a hypocrite. It's fine if he has changed his mind and no longer wants to import massive pork spending to his district. Has he said that? Or done it?
If you start a thread and have points you wish to make, you need to be man enough to stay in the discussion and defend your point of view. At any rate, I did read that site and yes, I saw the part at the end too. However, it does not dispute the validity of the arguments made when he had research he could state that backed it up. As for me, this is the first time I am truly an undecided voter in the primaries since I first voted in 1992. Ron Paul has some good ideas and points to make, but then again so have many of the worst leaders we have seen in world politics over the course of the 20th century. He did start as a Libertarian, and while they make some good points that I may agree with, they are too close to the anarchists (in the traditional political sense) in others. He has a dangerous view of world politics not unlike the isolationists and the proponents of appeasement in the 1930's. That ended in WWII. He's almost a modern day Neville Chamberlain who basically said "This Hitler seems like a good chap, I think we can work with him" and declared "Peace in our time" after signing a non aggression pact. Stalin signed a similar agreement and we are all well aware of the lessons history taught the USSR during what they call "The Great Patriotic War". I am a student of history and can look back and see what has happened to others who have held an isolationist view on geopolitics. It never works and never will. We can't "all just get along". There will always be someone who lusts for power and is not afraid to use it. The world is not full of peaceful people. It is not in our nature. I may not wish to take anything for myself by force, but I know that enough people would that I myself must be strong in order that I need not fight. This is the lesson of Ronald Regan and one that should still be heeded today.
Amen to that!!
if u ask me ron pauls one of the best canidates running for office to many times have we elected some power hungrey jackass that throws this country far way from wut it was built and based on. i was also for the the iraq war but we went in there for one main reason that was for weapons of mass destructions and look wut happen did we find any. and now were over there to free them to free a country who was brought up fighting eachother for thousands of years wuts gonna make them stop even if we stay there for 10 more year and then pull out. i was watching the you tube debate a while back and ron paul said "why we over there blowing up bridges and rebuilding them when we have bridges fall here and cant do nothing about it". since when has the u.s. became so about humanity when the only reason we stepped into WWII was bceause we were attacked by japan not because the nazis were over there killing millions apon millions of people. then what do we go do next drop two atomic bombs that kill millions of people also. i think its about time we get a president to step up and start taking care of their country first, name one of the great presidents who didnt take care of their country first
1980Gbody said:
since when has the u.s. became so about humanity when the only reason we stepped into WWII was bceause we were attacked by japan not because the nazis were over there killing millions apon millions of people. then what do we go do next drop two atomic bombs that kill millions of people also...

...i think its about time we get a president to step up and start taking care of their country first, name one of the great presidents who didnt take care of their country first

First, there were plenty of Americans that wanted to kick the Nazis around before we were attacked. Unfortunately, we had a communist president named FDR that thought otherwise. By not acting preemptively, we encouraged our enemies to believe that we were weak and more concerned with our own selfish desires rather than the good of all free peoples.

Second, the name of the great President who used foreign policy to make us safe is RONALD REAGAN. In doing so, he also brought down the evil empire that was threatening us. As a by-product, we also saved the free world from being enslaved to communist socialism.
were over there to free them to free a country who was brought up fighting eachother for thousands of years

where did you get that? most of the fighting in the middle east , historically, is due to the europeans and their crusdades. the fanatacism we see today is primarily due to 1 sect that came about recently-wahhabi. hell, islam is only 1400 years old. yes they did spread by the sword about 1000yrs ago, but unlike the catholic chuch they didn't kill anyone but combatants.
if you learn about history from books instead of movies you would know that we were already involved in WW2 years before we declared war. ie lend lease. ever wonder why we got bombed by japan and took 2 years to strike back? but we were fighting in europe right away. besides we drove japan to by being self-centered and greedy. (washington conference 1922)
compare post WW1 europe with post WW2. after ww1 we didn't help out and it depressed the european economy and led DIRECTLY to ww2. it's cheaper in the long run to help people to help themselves than to let them go about it alone.
the point im trying to get at is that were over there trying to help them build a country when our own is falling apart.

i dont believe in god luckly i live over here or i might be dead its amazing how much bloods spilled because of things people come up wiht in their minds and people belive them im one of those people were unless god comes down and helps me in some way or or wapes me out or theres just something crazy scientists discover to support the fact that there is a god i wont belive in him till then i still back up the evolution theory we and untill every one get on the same page being wut ever that page is there will never be peace on earth
1980Gbody said:
i dont believe in god luckly i live over here or i might be dead its amazing how much bloods spilled because of things people come up wiht in their minds and people belive them im one of those people were unless god comes down and helps me in some way or or wapes me out or theres just something crazy scientists discover to support the fact that there is a god i wont belive in him till then i still back up the evolution theory we and untill every one get on the same page being wut ever that page is there will never be peace on earth

That's quite a mouthful. It also explains a great deal of your previous statements.

Unfortunately, human nature being what it is (religion or not,) getting people on the same page is SOMETHING THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. It is a pipe dream, usually from people who are not religious, who are lost, or both.

The best thing we can do is to protect ourselves from extinction and hiding in a bunker doesn't work well.

The best defense is a good offense.
getting people on the same page is SOMETHING THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. It is a pipe dream, usually from people who are not religious

please explain the inquisition, auto de fa's, pograms, crusades, iron maiden, rack, witch hunts, stake burnings and other examples of christians trying to force people onto the same page as them. not that christians are the only ones but they have the most blood on their hands, by far.
yes, people will never be on the same page. i'd just like to see people stay on their page, ie priests raping boys, murdering in the name of god, suicide bombers, etc.
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