85 Cutlass Brougham said:Damnit, now I gotta take another pic of how I hooked it up without the bracket. It's not perfect, but it works sorta ok. Why didn't you reuse the Quadrajet? I think you told me once but I forgot. It just seems it would have been cheaper (and easier) to have it gone through for about $100-150 by a local carb shop than to have to go through all of this.
eh..I wanted to buy a carb that would work but rebuilding this one was kinda unexpected. I wanted to rebuild it myself though and I didnt think it would take this much crap to get this stuff hooked up. Plus edelbrock parts are easily accessible and what not. I figured this was a common set-up.
straight out of the summit catalog "throttle level adapters"...Edl-8036 Chevy, 1978-earlier small block. mine is 82..shouldnt matter, right? "get a throttle lever adapter when you get your new Edelbrock carb and avoid headaches hookingn up your kickdown cable"
which i looked on their website and it shows this..