Re: Project Daily Driver 86 Regal **Update NEW PICS**
Ok, so I finally broke down and bought some new plugs and plug wires for ol' Betsy. Seems as if its
been years since she's had a tune up, I can tell by the amount of rust built up on the outside of the plugs.
So, this weekend I will be doing a tuneup on her. I managed to salvage the red distributor cap and rotor button
with brass terminals from the aluminum distributor that was in the Road Race Regal that went bad to use as well, so
freebie so to speak for the daily driver project. Updated total below with the wires.
Grand total of all parts used so far and cost of car:
Car----$800 (Bought this time last year)
Xtreme S10 Wheels----$250 (with two good tires)
2-235/60/16 used tires----$80 (shipped)
1-blank cd----negligible
Squirt of rustoleum----negligible
3-machine screws with nuts----found in bottom of tool box
Skull shifter knob----$10
Dual Exhaust---$235
Set screws for AIR removal---$8
Plug Wires---$15
Spark Plugs---$15
Distributor cap and button---salvaged from other distributor(red with brass terminals)
Total cost so far (as of 12/29/09)-----$1413 dollars or $613 minus the cost of the car