Guys, I’m way behind in thanking you all for the absolute ton of positive comments and love y’all have shown for me and the car. But I assure you I will address each and every bit of feedback you guys have taken the time to give.
In the meantime, a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you. You guys are the best and your comments have been incredible.
Thank you.
Just being curious here Donovan. For you, was there any pressure to get your Cutlass to this point in the build? If so, is the pressure off, or will that happen when the car is completed?
No Jeff, there has been and never really was any pressure to get it painted other than what I put on myself. I had decided way back in the fall of last year that I wanted to try my very best to get the car painted by early spring, and I pushed myself as hard as I could to try and achieve that goal. I am my own best motivation/worst enemy that way, no one can push me as hard as I push myself. I figure I’m probably a month or two behind where I would’ve liked to see myself on the car, but I think I can live with that given the Herculean effort it’s taken to get here. It’s been way more work than even I thought it would be, but then again once the snowball started rolling I kinda upped the entire build level. Believe it or not this was
supposed to be just a simple repair and repaint job.
So much for that plan!
But to answer the last part of your question, yes, the bulk of the pressure is now definitely off as I’ve attained the goal I’ve set out for myself. I’ll be happier once it’s cut and buffed and fully reassembled now mind you, but that’s just me wanting a finished product.
I’m off on a week’s holiday all this week and have started doing some reassembly on stuff that won’t interfere with wet sanding and polishing the car, I thought I’d throw up a few teaser pics of how it’s going and looking in the meantime:
I don’t know exactly when I’ll start cut and buffing the clearcoat just yet because it’s still so fresh and soft, it’ll likely need a couple weeks to fully harden up before I wanna attempt it.
Many more pics to come as it gradually gets put back together more and more, so stay tuned...