So, as I mentioned before, I had got my body bolted to frame and bolts torqued up....excellent right?
Anyways, I'm reading somebodies post about their damn cage nuts snapping loose as they were torqueing their body bolts, and I'm thinking well that's shitty, I didn't have a problem with mine at fact it hardly seemed like I needed to crank on them at all.......
Now I'm thinkin.....that doesn't seem right at all.....not, at ,all....
I get up and go out to the garage in search of my brand new torque wrench; the one I quickly grabbed as I was flying out of Canadian Tire one day, on my way to somewhere....anyways, I look at the numbers, mmmhmmm, ok, good. Then I look just above the!!
I was in such a rush when I grabbed it that I didn't even read it. This being the first time I used it, I just set it and went to work.
I'm an idiot
Please help me feel even a little less stupid by sharing a story of your own ineptitude?
Btw, I did stop in and get a ft/lb wrench today
Anyways, I'm reading somebodies post about their damn cage nuts snapping loose as they were torqueing their body bolts, and I'm thinking well that's shitty, I didn't have a problem with mine at fact it hardly seemed like I needed to crank on them at all.......
Now I'm thinkin.....that doesn't seem right at all.....not, at ,all....
I get up and go out to the garage in search of my brand new torque wrench; the one I quickly grabbed as I was flying out of Canadian Tire one day, on my way to somewhere....anyways, I look at the numbers, mmmhmmm, ok, good. Then I look just above the!!
I was in such a rush when I grabbed it that I didn't even read it. This being the first time I used it, I just set it and went to work.
I'm an idiot
Please help me feel even a little less stupid by sharing a story of your own ineptitude?
Btw, I did stop in and get a ft/lb wrench today