Alright guys I figured I'd share this story with you guys cause I can't stop laughing about it.
So today I'm at work(autozone) and a guy comes and asks if I can see why his check engine light is on.
Well as we're walking out to his 2000ish Dodge Durango 5.2l V8 2wd I ask him if it's running funny or anything. Well he tells me he went "muddin" yesterday and his engine was dirty so he took it to the car wash to clean it off. Then he tells me he was sitting on the side of the road for like 30 minutes because it stalled a wouldn't start. So I'm like well sounds like you hydro locked it. Well we walk outside and this thing is just rolling in smoke. So I OBD it and misfire in cylinder 3, 4, 7, 8, speed sensor, and fuel level sensor all come up.
Well he proceeds to tell me his k&n air filter was dirty so he sprayed it off too!!!!!!
So I'm looking and this thing and I pull the dipstick and water comes rolling out of the dipstick tube. So he asks me "is that bad"? Now at this point I'm holding back every bit of histarical laugh I could possible have. So I tell him well your engine is full of water. He asks me "what should I do...." ummmmm well drain the oil as soon as possible and pray for the best. He's like we'll I just do an oil change so I shouldn't need to buy new oil I'll just reuse it because it's still new. As I'm trying to keep my composure I tell him no your oil is contaminated and full of water and he comes back with " well should I change the oil filter too.
Well he buys some oil and a filter and asks of I think he can make it home. I'm like we'll of it were me I'd drain it right here in the parking lot and he tells me no he thinks he can make it home 15 miles away!!!!
So yea my days going great so far deffinetly made for a good laugh.
Figured you guys might get a kick out of it too.
So today I'm at work(autozone) and a guy comes and asks if I can see why his check engine light is on.
Well as we're walking out to his 2000ish Dodge Durango 5.2l V8 2wd I ask him if it's running funny or anything. Well he tells me he went "muddin" yesterday and his engine was dirty so he took it to the car wash to clean it off. Then he tells me he was sitting on the side of the road for like 30 minutes because it stalled a wouldn't start. So I'm like well sounds like you hydro locked it. Well we walk outside and this thing is just rolling in smoke. So I OBD it and misfire in cylinder 3, 4, 7, 8, speed sensor, and fuel level sensor all come up.
Well he proceeds to tell me his k&n air filter was dirty so he sprayed it off too!!!!!!
So I'm looking and this thing and I pull the dipstick and water comes rolling out of the dipstick tube. So he asks me "is that bad"? Now at this point I'm holding back every bit of histarical laugh I could possible have. So I tell him well your engine is full of water. He asks me "what should I do...." ummmmm well drain the oil as soon as possible and pray for the best. He's like we'll I just do an oil change so I shouldn't need to buy new oil I'll just reuse it because it's still new. As I'm trying to keep my composure I tell him no your oil is contaminated and full of water and he comes back with " well should I change the oil filter too.

Well he buys some oil and a filter and asks of I think he can make it home. I'm like we'll of it were me I'd drain it right here in the parking lot and he tells me no he thinks he can make it home 15 miles away!!!!
So yea my days going great so far deffinetly made for a good laugh.
Figured you guys might get a kick out of it too.