Clutch, I've not worked on an Airman, I did find a maintenance manual online and the air system looks fairly simple and the parts which may cause problems (rubber o-rings in the unloader, regulator) look fairly simple and basic. In the as it says it won't shut down automatic, find out if it's got an ECM or not. The schematic I saw for that era machine showed shutdown relays, so that may be fairly simple but still a barganing point. If you can run it make sure the air comes out dry, any oil out the discharge ports is a sign of a bad separator filter, on our compressors a separator filter can run hundreds of dollars. Also a separator filter usually gets changed every 1000 hrs, so if there's no record of when it was changed use that as barganing. Usually on the discharge tube (from compressor itself to large receiver tank) there will be a 2 wire temperature sender. It should break power to the fuel pump if the compressor gets too hot, if you can find it, with the engine running I would pull 1 wire off and see if the unit dies. If it does, the safety shutdowns are working, If it doesn't, someone bypassed the wiring and it has a heating problem. Also check the radiator and cooler and see if they're packed with crud.