Still feeling patriotic? read this

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Royal Smart Person
Feb 20, 2008
Ind. ... n-landfill

I'm sure this story will soon be covered up so ill c / p the text for ya'll before they take it down. I've got nothing much to say about it really, whole entire books could be written about how this is going to make people feel - atheists included. All I can really say is this: somebody get me an ak because im too broke to afford one myself


An Army carry team moves a transfer case containing the remains of a soldier on Oct. 15, 2011 at Dover Air Force Base, Del.

By staff

The incinerated partial remains of at least 274 American troops were dumped in a Virginia landfill, according to government records, The Washington Post reported on Thursday.

Air Force officials said that the dumping was hidden from families who had given authorization for the remains to be disposed of in a respectful and dignified manner, according to the newspaper.


There were no plans to inform families, officials told the newspaper.

New information revealed that the practice, exposed by The Washington Post in November, had become very widespread until it was halted in 2008, the newspaper reported.

Last month, Pentagon and Air Force officials said that figuring out how many remains were sent to the King George County, Va., landfill would take combing through the records of more than 6,300 troops.
•Air Force morgue lost body parts from war dead

"It would require a massive effort and time to recall records and research individually," Jo Ann Rooney, the Pentagon's acting undersecretary for personnel, said in a Nov. 22 letter to Rep. Rush Holt (Dem.-N.J.), who has pressured the Pentagon for information on the issue on behalf of one of his constituents, according to the newspaper.

Holt reacted angrily to the news, the newspaper reported.

"What the hell?" he told the Post. "We spent millions, tens of millions, to find any trace of soldiers killed, and they're concerned about a 'massive' effort to go back and pull out the files and find out how many soldiers were disrespected this way?"

"They just don't want to ask questions or look very hard," he added, according to the newspaper.
•Video: Panetta orders review of Dover morgue

According to records the military gave The Post, between 2003 and 2008, 976 fragments from 274 personnel were cremated, incinerated and dumped in the landfill. An additional 1,762 remains, which could not be DNA tested because of damage from explosions, were gathered from the battlefield and dumped in a similar manner, the Air Force told the newspaper.

The widow of an Army sergeant killed in Iraq told the newspaper she was furious when a morgue she was told how some of her husband's remains were dumped in the landfill.

"They have known that they were doing something disgusting, and they were doing everything they could to keep it from us," Gari-Lynn Smith told the newspaper. She had been pressing the military for information on the subject for four years — ever since she got a report on her husband's autopsy and learned that some of the remains had not been put in the casket for his funeral, according to The Post.

Changes in disposal policies came about after an in-depth review at Dover was ordered in 2008 by then-Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
I'm sorry, what exactly does that have to do with patriotism? :roll:

You've got people not doing their jobs properly, they certainly will pay with their careers or worse, but I totally fail in any attempt to see how that would, could or should affect anyone's patriotism, at least those not looking for any excuse to diss the country, patriots and the military, such as you appear to be. :wink:
Randy_W said:
I'm sorry, what exactly does that have to do with patriotism? :roll:

You've got people not doing their jobs properly, they certainly will pay with their careers or worse, but I totally fail in any attempt to see how that would, could or should affect anyone's patriotism, at least those not looking for any excuse to diss the country, patriots and the military, such as you appear to be. :wink:

Something about that story is goofy. A fellow jarhead I knew was killed in California while off duty and the Corps went above and beyond to console the family, make arrangements and send his body to Chicago for the funeral. They even had a few staff NCO's acting as a liaison for the family during the entire week. Several people from his unit were also here and attended the funeral in their dress blues. There aren't any Marine bases in the midwest either.
Can't believe everything you read :idea:

Even if it is true ... I too do not see how it would affect anybody from being patriotic. There are bad apples in every profession.
I need a mod to go ahead and just lock this thread. This was clearly not the place for this topic - and also denial wasnt just a river in Egypt either. I had gbf open in another window when I happened to find it, but I should have just posted it w/o any angle and not titled it this way or had a comment leaning either way about the whole thing. You people who continue to choose the path of least resistance because it is convenient for yourselves will be forced to accept that the story is indeed true and did happen as this continues to break, but dont worry - just as you all are clearly predicting I'm sure whatever fall guy the service chooses will become the convenient scapegoat for what happened in your clearly warped minds. This story was a small text link on the opening page of this morning and now is front and center there. This was not some bs story that I spent hours 'looking for' with some type of agenda so get lost. And just to be clear, I wouldnt give a damn if my ashes did get dumped in a landfill when I'm dead and gone nor the next man's either. My angle was about the principle of the matter - and it continues to amaze me how current and past government employees dont seem to have any. Then again, people would defend scientology with their lives too. I guess these days 5 or 6 suckers are born a minute and it must be the water. ... n-landfill
I'n not questioning whether the story is true, I'm questioning how you think this has anything to do with patriotism...
I dont see why its so hard for some of you ultra rights to admit that our government does some ****ed up sh*t. Have you never heard of the tuskeege expeirments?
why interject it's inherent with the right that we live in denial? As far as I see it this has nothing to do with the right or left.
Patriotism (pat-ree-ott-is-um); the refuge of scoundrels (Oscar Wilde).

Remember we are the cannon fodder for the rich and powerful. USA, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, insert your nation here, it makes no difference.

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