who cares what
you have to say about
this particular story. Dont make me go dig up the quote and context in which you said on this forum something to the effect of "I would continue to support [my political party] even if I knew it was doing people wrong because [of what they did for me in the past?] " proving your loyalty to and bias towards this establishment. Really I don't even need to dig up that incriminating quote because you said it again
Patriotism is the belief in and support of ones country, even when it isn't perfect.
which isnt exactly the same, except to someone else who is just browsing the story its a very convenient & dishonest thing to say because I never said anywhere on here - or anywhere period that I expect my country to be perfect. When I posted this story I was more trying to make
this kind of statement if anything: Surely we can do better than this.
as for Oscar Wilde? I never quoted him and probably never would. Nice try attempting to 'discredit' me by falsely connecting me to some f-----t crackhead of the 18th century. All you really did is discredit yourself because it makes a person of the left reading this thread wonder why you are trying to discredit me when I really just posted the story to see how everyone feels about the story - not how everyone feels about me. The "Ask not what you can do for your country..." quote was said by a former president - lincoln JFK or Hoover I forget which. Even if a h* did say it, you attacked welfare in a previous thread and spoke against it saying that people shouldn't expect free things from the gov. , and in addition to that I would say when you admitted trying to discredit me by associating me with a homosexual you proved to be less democratic than you supposedly are. You proved by your statements in a previous threat that you
do agree with the general direction of that particular quote.
when you say I'm 'ignorant of the truth' what are you even talking about? The story is true. Whatever bs you try to follow it up with doesnt change what happened or prove anything - besides - you would follow this establishment even if it was wrong because thats convenient for you isnt it true? Don't even bother visiting this particular thread anymore then since your tilt on what happened here is completely biased and you already admitted it. Whatever you would say about this issue is really just trying to rally support and recruit people to join your side. How can you even justify and be proud of being on the "who cares what happened to the dead peoples ashes because real estate is expensive" as opposed to the "surely we can do better than this" side of the issue.
Yeah go on and wait for the government to crucify whatever scapegoat they chose as fall guy for this incident. As if you really "dont believe" that at least 1 other person also knew about it when the conspiracy was being plotted - more likely 99 other people were involved. You claim you even heard about it yourself years ago. If I did quote a f*g at least it was coming from someone who's keeping it real as opposed to someone who's keeping it phony as hell.