84GP455 said:
This is not "sheer hysteria and paranoia about the President" GP403! this is simply the truth! I am sorry but i can't believe any of your rebuttals because you did not provide any proof to your answers like i did. These resources cannot lie otherwise they would be sued and out of business. I am not a Republican or a Democrat just an American and i back our President 100% but when i see and read this stuff i have to believe it, It can't be all lies.
Truth, lies... in politics and the media: there is no such thing, its whatever spin they can put on it and what they can get you to believe.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._executive_branch_czars
- Afghanistan is not Iraq, again, check the article you cited. It was not the deadliest month in Iraq. I can't find a chart of current deployment numbers, but IIRC it is decreasing in Iraq, just moving to Afghanistan....
- Nuclear disarmament started a long time ago. This is a continuation of that.... whats the big deal?
- Failures and government bailouts of banks and private industry, even GM, didn't start with BO. That ball was already rolling. Check the dates. Should he be asking where the money went? Absolutely. I doubt anyone would deny that.
- Healthcare: You show me where the plan is to completely socialize healthcare in this country is and I'll believe it. Actually, that might not be a bad idea. At least then the people who run it would be accountable in some measure to the people....
- What? Politics corrupt? Must be BO's fault! Like this is news? Really....
As for the rest, I believe I stated when I didn't know the facts, and didn't provide a rebuttal there. Except for the "nice american name" bit.... what is a "nice american name" anyway?
I am not a Republican or a Democrat just an American and i back our President 100%
Me too, or either, or whatever. Which is *also* why I fail to understand the amount of paranoia and hysterics surrounding anything the man tries to do. At least here where I live. We had everyone screaming about his "Stay in School" speech as trying to "indoctrinate our children" and "abusing his power" and people pulling their kids out of school if they showed it....
the list goes on. I've heard so much ridiculous fantasy anti-Obama bullshit from people I thought were smarter.... That is where I'm coming from when I say "paranoia and hysteria"... well that, and this: (I dunno who this guy is, what his politics are, and I don't care)
I mean,
, if that isn't hysteria and paranoia, I don't know what is!
(still can't believe I'm getting involved in this...