The 10 Commandments of Obamaland!

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Hey now, Obama didn't get us into this mess, "W" did. Why can't we give Obama a chance before we start hating him, In the short space of 8 years the other guy completely ruined this contry and killed the American dream, and you liked him, Don't you think we should give Obama a little time to fix things? In my opinion everything is headed in the right direction, afterall it's what we elected him for, to change things. Anybody who thinks that the health care in this country is just fine as is is living in fantasyland. We are the only industrialized nation without a national health care plan, and these are the countries we compete with for our jobs. Ever wonder why all the companies are moving overseas? Cheap labor, no environmental laws, and national health care. Hell I keep hearing about all these tax increases, mine haven't gone up. I just got back to work after being laid off for 7 months. Do you people watch the stock market? the unemployment rate? home values? Evertyhing is on the way up for the better and now you still complain? and Obama bash? Don't start bitching until they raise the rent on your trailer space or make you go out and get a job instead of living off the system.
The Truth About Healthcare. . .
Did You Know?

Every 12 minutes an American dies because they lack health insurance (45,000 annually). This is more than the number of deaths due to drunk driving or homicide.

The average health insurance plan for family coverage currently costs $13,375. Over the past decade, premiums have increased by 138 percent. If the current trend continues, by 2019 the average family plan will cost $30,083.

46.3 million Americans are uninsured. When they can’t pay, the costs for their care shift to the insured. On average, insured Americans are forced to spend an additional $1,100 in premiums (family coverage) due to this cost-shifting.

Between 2000 and 2008, the percentage of employers offering health insurance coverage to their employees declined from 69 to 63; for firms employing less than 10 workers, the decline was even greater – from 57 to 49 percent.

From 2000 to 2008, the percentage of employees with an annual deductible greater than $1000 increased from 1 percent to 18 percent. Among small businesses, more than one in three workers must spend at least $1000 out of pocket before their health benefits kick in.

A recent study found that 62 percent of all 2007 bankruptcies were linked to medical expenses. Of those filing for bankruptcy, nearly 80 percent had health insurance.

The cost of healthcare now causes a bankruptcy in America every 30 seconds
Here are some facts that i've researched and posted the web sites to where i found them so you can read yourself.
If you are watching any other news channel besides FOX news then you are drinking Obama's cool aide!!! It's a fact that CNN CBS NBC are all biased news stations and they don't even try to hide that fact!!! Have you heard about the ACORN scandel yet????? of course not because all the major news networks are trying to ingnore the fact that this organization, which backed Obama and donated thousands to his campaign, are all crooked and corrupt!!!
read for yourself!!,2933,550602,00.html
1.) Obama has assigned personal assistants or "Czars" as they have become to be known.
During his nine months in office, Obama has appointed an AfPak czar, an AIDS czar, a car czar, a border czar, a climate czar, a cyber security czar, a green jobs czar, a pay czar, a drug czar, a health czar, a science czar and a war czar, and that's just to name a few of the approximately 32 czars in the Obama White House. And, most likely, there's more to come. While some of these individuals are vetted by Congress, many are not. As former judge Andrew Napolitano recently observed:
The czars may be hired without FBI background checks or Senate confirmations and they serve at the pleasure of the president. Because they work in the West Wing and directly for the president, they enjoy almost total immunity from any accountability to Congress. Supreme Court decisions even immunize presidential assistants from replying to subpoenas from Congress for documents or testimony, under the claim of executive privilege.
Resources: ... ord_id=613 ... zar17.html
2.) Many large corporations and banks have gone under since Obama has become President, and he hasn't investigated the Federal Reserve to find out where our Billions of dollars went when they were asked where they went and they refused to give an answer. Why isn't he trying to find out what happened to our billions??
3.) Obama wants to take over health care and make it a Government run business.
4.) Obama's fundraiser Hassan Nemazee (nice american name) has been indicted for defrauding Bank of America HSBC and Citigroup Inc. out of $290 million dollars in proceeds.
Resource: ... 22&sp=true
5.) Obama has cut back our nuclear defense systems leaving our country weak and open for attacks.
Resource: ... ar-weapons
6.) Obama pledged to pull out our troops from Iraq as soon as he became President, well here we are 9 months later and this past August 2009 was the deadliest month of all since the Iraq war began. Maybe it's not a good idea to pull the troops after all?
Resource: ... 48560.aspx
7.) Did you know that Michelle Obama has 26 servants for her every need? They cost taxpayers about $1,750,000 dollars a year. This is an unprecedented amount of servants and is more than any First Lady in U.S. History! Don't believe me?
...And here I was, thinking that I was the only one who noticed that kind of stuff.... Nice work!
As for fox news.... If you are a republican, then fox news is the ONLY place you will hear the truth. If you are an "Obamite" Then keep watching the other guys. (You will like what you see.)


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I get so sick & tired about people bashing Obama & he haven't been in office for a full f***** year yet!! F*** the internet, f*** the news outlet, f*** all these people that had their head up their *ss when Bush was in office for the last 8 years hiking up the gas prices (Remember when you had to take out a separate loan for gas?! sh*t I do! And its still high!) and shipping jobs overseas. Plus, he is trying to bring piece & dignity back to this country were as the last prez hid in his texas ranch & had OUR (Black, White, Latin, etc) brothers & sisters blood on his hands over oil and in a war that was suppose to last for FIVE WEEKS! That was '03 now its damn near '10! Where was the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!! HUH? CAN ANYONE ANSWER THAT?! You couldn't tell me when I was growing up, Circuit City, CompUSA, Value City would go outta business, GM, hell the whole auto industry, would need a bailout! People talking about spending, how come Bush had billions upon billions wrap up on a bullshit war! And if Obama isn't all that crack'd up to be after his term, hell at least he has a lot more respect from the rest of the world than Bush, his "daddy" or any other president that didn't do squat for this country! Ask any soldier that just came from Iraq, 9 outta 10 they'll say it sucked over there & they wish they were back home chilling with their family. Let the man do for what WE put him in office LEAD this country not let it continue to lag behind. I ain't a Demo or a Repub just a hard working AMERICAN that want things done right! As far as health care hell, health care been jacked up since the '70s.
I thought it was interesting when Obama mentioned the World Order not working in his speech the other day. Sounds like we need a 'New' World Order?

Do you guys think the Amero will be worth more than the US dollar or less?
If you are a republican, then fox news is the ONLY place you will hear the truth.

The only thing missing here is the Republican Messiah the drug addicted big fat bag of wind Rush Limbaugh making 37 million a year bashing Democrats for 3 hours every day, Did you ever wonder who pays Fox News or Rush Limbaugh?
I can't believe I'm chiming in on this, because quite frankly I see it as a matter of "six of one half a dozen of the other"... neither party has the sun shining out their collective arses so to speak, but I do find it funny the amount of sheer hysteria and paranoia about the current President....

84GP455 said:
Here are some facts that i've researched and posted the web sites to where i found them so you can read yourself.
If you are watching any other news channel besides FOX news then you are drinking Obama's cool aide!!! It's a fact that CNN CBS NBC are all biased news stations and they don't even try to hide that fact!!!
...because FOX has no bias at all. lol.
Have you heard about the ACORN scandel yet????? of course not because all the major news networks are trying to ingnore the fact that this organization, which backed Obama and donated thousands to his campaign, are all crooked and corrupt!!!
so is every other organization in politics, this is news?
read for yourself!!,2933,550602,00.html
1.) Obama has assigned personal assistants or "Czars" as they have become to be known.
During his nine months in office, Obama has appointed an AfPak czar, an AIDS czar, a car czar, a border czar, a climate czar, a cyber security czar, a green jobs czar, a pay czar, a drug czar, a health czar, a science czar and a war czar, and that's just to name a few of the approximately 32 czars in the Obama White House. And, most likely, there's more to come. While some of these individuals are vetted by Congress, many are not. As former judge Andrew Napolitano recently observed:
The czars may be hired without FBI background checks or Senate confirmations and they serve at the pleasure of the president. Because they work in the West Wing and directly for the president, they enjoy almost total immunity from any accountability to Congress. Supreme Court decisions even immunize presidential assistants from replying to subpoenas from Congress for documents or testimony, under the claim of executive privilege.
Resources: ... ord_id=613 ... zar17.html
Again, check the stats, GW only had 1 less "czar" than BO.... yet suddenly there's a problem? And GW had more than any other pres before him, by a wide margin. Yeah, that's not cool, either.
2.) Many large corporations and banks have gone under since Obama has become President, and he hasn't investigated the Federal Reserve to find out where our Billions of dollars went when they were asked where they went and they refused to give an answer. Why isn't he trying to find out what happened to our billions??
Funny how GW created this whole bailout thing and then dumped it BO's lap. Not saying BO doesn't have to take responsibility for it, I'm just saying this didn't start on Jan. 20 of this year....
3.) Obama wants to take over health care and make it a Government run business.
Sigh. That's a rather blanket statement. If you think the "health care industry" is going to allow that to happen, then I'm not sure what to tell you. The fact is that the insurance mafia has made it near impossible for small business and entrepreneurs to make it, and that's where most of the jobs in this country come from. Somebody has to do something, and to leave it up to the "industry" is like leaving the fox in charge of the chickens... again, I'm just saying.
4.) Obama's fundraiser Hassan Nemazee (nice american name) has been indicted for defrauding Bank of America HSBC and Citigroup Inc. out of $290 million dollars in proceeds.
Resource: ... 22&sp=true
I know nothing about this, so I can't comment, but to assume that someone is crooked or a terrorist because their name is Arabic is a bit over the top, no? What's a "nice american name" anyway?
5.) Obama has cut back our nuclear defense systems leaving our country weak and open for attacks.
Resource: ... ar-weapons
The entire concept of strategic nuclear weapons is outmoded. Does either side need thousands of warheads and installations to launch them from? not when a few hundred would still get the job done a few dozen times over. lol. If you think BO is going to leave us with our pants down on the strategic front I can't agree with it, and I doubt the Pentagon would let it happen.
6.) Obama pledged to pull out our troops from Iraq as soon as he became President, well here we are 9 months later and this past August 2009 was the deadliest month of all since the Iraq war began. Maybe it's not a good idea to pull the troops after all?
Resource: ... 48560.aspx
read that article you cite again. Afghanistan is nowhere near Iraq, and yeah, that's where he's going to move them to. What's the problem here?
7.) Did you know that Michelle Obama has 26 servants for her every need? They cost taxpayers about $1,750,000 dollars a year. This is an unprecedented amount of servants and is more than any First Lady in U.S. History! Don't believe me?
quoted from a website that has a "countdown til BO leaves office ticker", no bias there. lol. But yeah, if true that sucks.

Here in Oklahoma, bashing BO is like an official state past-time or something, surpassing cow tipping for the first time in recorded history. If I had a dollar for every paranoid person who thinks he's "the antichrist" or "muslim" or "the next hitler", or simply "that n***", I'd have a wallet full of cash.

Look, I'm not taking sides here (on BO that is), I'm not convinced that BO is going to actually change anything, for better or worse, especially considering what GW "the decider" left him to work with.... but I'm willing to give him a chance.

When he kills the VP in his sleep and eliminates the office, creates squads of shock troops to eliminate his political enemies (real or imagined), takes the title of "king" or "supreme leader" (cough) and invades Canada because we need the space, then I'll start worrying. lol.

:friday: :rant: :friday:
Wow... The original post is an epic fail... especially item # 1... I cant believe after 14+ court cases over the birth certificate with none being able to explain lack of evidence (i.e. meaningful ways in which there are no records of fights of any of the family members during the period surround Obama’s birth or political connections to have them some how removed/changed at the time of birth) or present any form of evidence (i.e. a real birth certificate from some where else) that people still cling to this conspiracy theory… it is completely irrational in every since of the meaning and/or logical thought

Its also funny how Fox viewer have this mentality that fox is an unbiased and uncoated/affiliated news agency… members here at times making the clams that all other news is “just watered down obama-aid”… Now I don’t think media in general (as in all new including Fox, CNN, CNBC, ABC) are free of bias in all aspects but many I personally fell the mass of media covers both the wrong and right of the presidency. CNN, ABC and others constantly have political figures from both parties in open debate on specific issues. This is not the case with Fox as most of the guess are of republican affiliation and/or when there is a guess panel the republican count is unequal (i.e. 1 dem v 3 rep + host ). It is very abnormal to see an even panel on fox new let alone a dem panel bias but as an example having a balanced panel or a 5 or 3 person panel with a rep slant on CNN. Fox as an entity will continue to claim to be unbiased and clam that all other new stations refuse to even cover events that or not in support of Obama… that is not the case and they have been proven wrong many, many times. The latest claim being the Tea party coverage and that only fox covered this huge even and took out a big page stretch in the Washington post to say so…. CNN responded with replying clip after clip of media from the day before and even played a cast of when a fox and CNN reporter where in the same shot. If Fox was truly unbiased I would like to see them cover just one story about the positive of Obama… CNN and other have on a constant basis posted the negatives and positives but according to fox they are the ones that are basis?

As for Obama… hate him or love him, he is in no way perfect and just as the president before him and those that will come in the future he will fail to do some that he has promised because ideas are normally easer said then done. He has never claimed to be “God” or even “Gods” messenger, IMO the only people to bestow this name on him or give strength to the god image are those who dislike and/or despise him and under examination saying this to a republican group that is in essence protestant in belief (not in nature but that’s another issue) it would invoke rage an hate with would again strengthen ties with in the republican accord

Both dem and rep are guilty of judging the opposite party though rose colored glassed and forgetting that they did the same if not worse in the past

This is not "sheer hysteria and paranoia about the President" GP403! this is simply the truth! I am sorry but i can't believe any of your rebuttals because you did not provide any proof to your answers like i did. These resources cannot lie otherwise they would be sued and out of business. I am not a Republican or a Democrat just an American and i back our President 100% but when i see and read this stuff i have to believe it, It can't be all lies.
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