Watch this Documentary. It is something that put me into Grand Nationals as well as the business I am in rightfully so. But for those interested in some heritage, facts, details on the GNX package...this video covers it all. The producer Andrew, was quite taken back about his video being "hacked" onto You Tube and has mixed emotions about it being available as he claims profit on selling DVD's. I explained to him in a message, that it allows you to put more emphasis on the car, and he should be proud. The Black Air sequel will be out in the next year which I feel he should have subscription to in order to pay for the film. Some people know I go to visit Richard Clark in Burlington NC every year and post about it, this gives you a better impression on the size, the depth, the passion this guy's truly unbelievable.
Look for Black Air 2, I should be in it talking about the resurrection of my 84 from scraps, to a nice car.
Look for Black Air 2, I should be in it talking about the resurrection of my 84 from scraps, to a nice car.